Psalms chapter 112 verse 7 and 8.
"He does not fear bad news, nor live in dread of what may happen. For he is settled in his mind that Jehovah will take care of him. That is why he is not afraid, but can calmly face his foes."
Are you settled in your mind? When you head out the door or open your mouth to speak are you confident to believe that God is right with you?
Through out our days, it is easy to get caught up in the stuff we are doing. Your mind is focused on the next steps you have to take in order to complete your tasks successfully. And when all is done right, you are happy and peacefully move onto the next task.
What if I told you that what you did was not of yourself, but it was by grace that you could do what you did. You may have the wisdom and the knowledge and the understanding of how to complete the work, but what if I told you that your success is a gift from God?
You train for years to have the knowledge you have. You have worked hard to be the one that others will look to for help. You think that you are secure in your confidence of what you know. You may have been successful a few times and that helped build your ego, but you have also made mistakes. You may have tried to cover them up, for you did not want to be the one who caused others to lose faith in you.
Our lives are filled with challenges and how we deal with those reflects on how others see and trust us. Do you use foul language a lot? Do you get frustrated easily? Do you take control, thinking that the only way to get the result you want is to do the work yourself? Do you let others learn from your knowledge? What we do one moment can have an affect on what we do next.
God knows that we fail. He has never lost hope that even one child of His will come back to Him. He knows that we are easily distracted and that we enjoy the shinny glittering stuff of the world.
There is nothing like a new car or the warm sunny vacation or the big fat paycheck. But at what cost do we get them? Has your health been affected? Has your relationships with others fallen apart? Are you constantly thinking of what may come next and wondering if you will be able to have what it takes to be successful?
It is the person who finds Jesus and trusts in Him to guide them to a life with God that is truly at peace. Where do you think the thought came from that led you to seeking the knowledge needed to be successful? or the skills to use the knowledge you have been given?
They are a gift from God, whom gives you the rest to be healthy and to think clearly. It is God who fills your heart with joy, every time you say the right words that help someone else or complete a job that was challenging.
It is God's unfailing love that makes you so amazed and thankful for His blessings upon your life. You may wonder why me? God loves everyone who see's Him as their Father and came to Jesus for help. When you step away from thinking you are the one in control and see that really it has been God all along, you have fulfilled God's wish of you coming home to Him.
Thank-you Father for Jesus and the light that leads us to peace. 😊
Psalms chapter 112 verse 1.
"Praise the Lord! For all who fear God and trust in Him are blessed beyond expression. Yes, happy is the man who delights in doing his commands."
Hosea chapter 11 verse 3.
"I trained him from infancy, I taught him to walk, I held him in my arms. But he does not know or even care that it was I who raised him."
Romans chapter 8 verses 31 and 32.
"What can we ever say to such wonderful things as these? If God is on our side, who can ever be against us? Since He did not spare even His own Son for us but gave Him up for us all, won't He also surely give us everything else? "
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