I am the one!

Proverbs chapter 5 verse 12.
"Oh if only I had listened! If only I had not demanded my own way! Oh why wouldn't I take advice? Why was I so stupid? For now I must face public disgrace."

How many times have we felt that way? It is not easy to face the issues we have caused in life and even harder to correct them and build back the trust and faith of those closest to us.
    I remember doing some things in drunkenness that I thought had good intentions, but turned out to be a total flop. I made same pretty big mistakes and all to satisfy my own desires or greed.
   Life, probably would have a total different picture if I had only known God and followed Jesus when I was young. That is not an excuse for the paths that I had chosen to take. I had to face the mistakes that I created and then hope for a good outcome.
   We don't know what temptation is going to confront us today or how we should react. Each day can be different, each moment can be different. Some are good and peaceful and others can cause heartache. The good or the bad times may be short lived or they may have lasting affects. We do not know the words we spoke in our youth that may have someone in old age thinking about them.
   It is such a great feeling when we interact with others and the outcome is joy. Peace is the result of making the right decision. Letting go of, "This is the way I want to do it" is not easy. It is hard to talk out the things you want to do with others and listen to what is being said.
   God wants you to rely upon Jesus. He wants you to talk to Him and to let His teachings guide you to a better life. With God we are no longer alone in making decisions. It's not to say that we are not going to be pigheaded and trip over the stone we place in front of us.
   The most amazing thing about God is once you belong to His family, He will always be there to pick you up. He is always there to convict you and guide you in making the right decisions.
   You see, my old ways of doing the foolish things whether drunk or sober are gone. Now with a clear mind, I pray all day, about everything. I trust God to lead me, as He did Jesus.
  Jesus teaches, "Oh,you men of little faith!" What He is saying is let go of relying upon yourself and let the grace of God be the gift that changes your life.
   Start your day with God, think about Jesus through out your day. Hum and whistle songs of praise. Be thankful, love others. Enjoy the company of helping and involving others. Keep God in your sight and thoughts all day everyday. And you will see peace enter your life. You will see love and joy more than the stumbling blocks we used to create.
   Thank you Father for Jesus and letting go of the old self, to trust and live with You. 😊

Matthew chapter 8 verse 27.
"The disciples just sat there, awed! "Who is this," they asked themselves. "that even the winds and the sea obey Him?"

Proverbs chapter 5 verses 22 and 23.
"The wicked man is doomed by his own sins, they are ropes that catch and hold him. He shall die because he will not listen to the truth, he has let himself be led away into incredible folly."

Ephesians chapter 2 verses 8 and 9.
For it is by grace that we are saved through faith, not that of yourselves, It is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast."


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