Come to Him.

John chapter 6 verses 63 and 64.
"Only the Holy Spirit gives eternal life. Those born only once, with physical birth, will never receive this gift. But now I have told you how to get this true spiritual life. But some of you do not believe Me" (For Jesus knew from the beginning who didn't believe and knew the one who would betray Him)

Why do we seek out God?
   Maybe it is in desperation or maybe just the need to understand why we are here? Maybe you have come to the end of all hope and have heard that possibly God can help you. The list of reasons why people come to God is long, but they have come to Him.
   In God there is the hope of His miracles touching your life. That hope was seen in Jesus and the people, talked about in the bible, experienced His miracles of healing and feeding them. Even back then they rejoiced at what He could do but had a hard time accepting the way He spoke of being God's Son.
   Like us today, they knew the scriptures that talked about the coming of the Messiah and the stories of God's provision. But now they were faced with believing that this human being standing in front of them doing all these amazing miracles, the son of Joseph and Mary, could be who He was claiming to be.
   At first you may come to God a little skeptical, seeking some guidance and maybe a bit of relief from the burdens surrounding you. Like being hungry, you will do what it takes to find food. God knows who are the people that truly seek Him out. Not just the ones looking for a quick fix but those people who really believe that He is God and Jesus is His Son and that through them there is hope.
   Our thoughts may not be thinking that way, but deep inside us is the drive to get a better life and the hope of finding it in God. The more you read and hear the words of God the stronger you become in curiosity. Believing that God can do all that He promises. You get to know Jesus and hear how He talks of life with God.
   God knows your softening heart and the want for His love to be in your life. So when you pray to God asking for forgiveness and for Jesus to bring you into life with Him, He already knows your heart and desires and He willingly fills you with His Spirit. From that moment on, your life is now with Him. Alive with clear thoughts of joy and peace. The cares of the world are gone for you have eternal life forever in His presence.
   The miracle is in trusting Him and being faithful to Him. He will change your life and others will see the change. Physical issues and temptation will always try to pull us away from God, but with Jesus, praise and worship leads to right thoughts and walking the paths of life with God.
Thank-you Father for knowing who seek You, faithfully believing in Jesus. 😊

John chapter 6 verses 28 to 30.
The people replied, "What should we do to satisfy God?" Jesus told them, "This is the will of God, that you believe in the one He has sent." They replied, "You must show us more miracles is You want us to believe You are the Messiah."

Romans chapter 8 verse 28 and 29.
"We know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans. For from the very beginning God decided that those who came to Him---and all along He knew who would---should become like His Son, so that His Son would be the First, with many brothers."

Psalms chapter 31 verse 19.
"Oh, how great is Your goodness to those who publicly declare that You will rescue them. For You have stored up great blessings for those who trust and reverence You."



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