Always with you.
1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 11.
"There was a time when some of you were just like that but now your sins are washed away, and you are set apart for God, and He has accepted you because of what the Lord Jesus Christ and the Spirit of our God have done for you."
It is a pretty tall order to belong to the family of God. When you come to Jesus, you are recognizing Him as God's Son and asking Him to bring you into the family of God.
You are expecting God to freely welcome you because Jesus, is the one final sacrifice, that has made the way clear for all people to come and live with God in His family. God is the Father and creator of all things that surround our lives.
That is the most wonderful, most amazing gift that anyone could receive. By coming to Jesus, life as we knew it, is gone. "Now, that I belong to God's family, I can still go about doing the things that I know are not right with God. For example; how I live my life daily. Am I seeing Him with me in all the things that I do and am I giving Him the respect and thanks that He deserves?
We know that we all sin and that because we belong to God's family, Jesus has made it possible for our sins to be forever forgiven. But does that mean we don't focus on trying to live a life that pleases God?
When I called upon Jesus, I was seeking selfish help. A way to be free from the burdens that I had created in my life. What I found was much more than that. Jesus entered my very soul and now we are joined as one. Living together. So the things that I do daily are not just happening to my body but affect Jesus also.
How I speak, the thoughts that I have. The things that I do with my day. Jesus is right there with me. God's Spirit is protecting me. I belong to God's family, so am I to continue as if it is my life that I am living or do I recognize the wonderful forgiveness that God has brought to me through Jesus.
It is built into the nature of people to sin, and God already knows that. That is why Jesus came and why my new found love for Jesus and God are stronger than my want to sin.
So, I work hard to wear the armor of God, by reading the bible, and studying how He wants me to live. By putting Him first in my life, I am prepared to guard against temptation and laziness. I am more thankful for the life that I have now, than continuing to just go about my day and not giving the praise and glory for all that I am doing, to God and Jesus.
The joy you feel in your heart all the time is from the thankfulness you have for the gifts that God blesses you with in all you do. Start your day with praise, ask Him to use you to touch someone who needs Him. Ask for the strength to step out in the confidence of Him being with you, at your side, taking away any fears of the unknown.
You will feel great for the way He helps you. Your clarity of the world around you will bless you in bringing joy to others. Sadness and depression are replaced by the happiness you are feeling. Imagine going for a walk and feeling good about what you saw and did. Imagine being successful at something you never thought you could do.
A life with God is a total change from how you used to live. It's up to you, how much of God you want in your life. There are television shows where total make-overs are the changes brought to someones life. That is God in your life. Enjoy the changes to your life and soak up every minute you get to give thanks to Him and let Him bless you with His love.
Thank-you Father for Jesus and a new rejuvenated life to all who come to You. 😊
1 Corinthians chapter 6 verse 17.
"But if you give yourself to the Lord, you and Christ are joined together as one person."
2 Thessalonians chapter 2 verses 16 and 17.
"May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who has loved us and given us everlasting comfort and hope which we do not deserve, comfort your hearts with all comfort, and help you in every good thing you say and do."
Isaiah chapter 58 verses 10 and 11.
"Feed the hungry! Help those in trouble! Then your light will shine out from the darkness, and the darkness around you shall be as bright as day. And the Lord will guide you continually, and satisfy you with all good things, and keep you healthy too; You will be like a well watered garden, like an overflowing spring."
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