You are the light.
Psalms chapter 139 verse 11 and 12.
" If I try to hide in the darkness, the night becomes light around me. For even darkness cannot hide from God; to You the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are both alike to You."
How hard do think it is to admit and realize that there are two separate ways of living life?
Just like any other piece of information we receive, we have to determine if it is real or not.
People struggle with admitting that God is real and that He is the creator of all things including people. Maybe because He is unseen and people can only wrap their minds around something they can see, touch, smell or taste. Hearing about Him is not enough.
They want to experience Him, but are unwilling to take a chance to get to know Him for they can't stand before a physical being. There are countless people who live in hope and have stories of God and His blessing upon their lives, yet there is still doubt.
Science has been trying to prove that God is not real, but are unable to come with the answers to so many questions. People are the most wondrous question of all. Our intricately made bodies, our emotions and how each of us are totally made different from each other. The sky and the earth. The heavens and the stars. All of them are beyond mans comprehension of finding reason for their being as they are. There is speculation and truths and they can be altered to come up with make believe ideas, that help people have a grasp of why everything is, as it is.
The best answer is right there in front of us and yet people will walk around it, look around it and even ignore the fact that it is there. It is God! Jesus is living proof of that, yet because Jesus lived so many years ago, people have found reasons to expel His life. They might say things like: "We can only read about Him" or "You expect us to believe in something we cannot see or touch?"
The answer is, you have to make a choice as to whether God is real or not. Otherwise you will be going through life struggling with purpose and lack of happiness. There will be unrest as you age and wonder why our bodies decay and eventually die. And those questions will lead back to the very first questions of, how are we here and why this world?
God is the answer and Jesus is the way. Look for yourself and find the answers that you seek. Each and everyday will start to make sense and have understanding. It is by faith that we live in the presence of God. But there is so much more than faith. Faith turns into seeing the blessings of God touch your life. Happiness and peace become the rest your have wanted all along. You are no longer wandering aimlessly through life trying to find answers or not, you are content with who you are as God's child in a world that He created for you to enjoy. We are those lights that are no longer hiding in the darkness but are now brightly seen by all people.
Thank you Father for examining my heart and knowing everything about me. Thank you for Your Son Jesus.😊
Matthew chapter 7 verse 7.
"Ask, and you will be given what you ask for. Seek, and you will find it. Knock, and the door will be opened."
Psalms chapter 139 verse 3 and 4.
"You chart the path ahead of me, and tell me where to stop for rest. Every moment You know where I am. You know what I am going to say before I even say it."
Matthew chapter 5 verses 13 -16.
"You are the worlds light---a city on a hill, glowing in the night for all to see. Don't hide your light! Let is shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your heavenly Father."
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