The Light
Exodus chapter 34 verse 34.
Whenever Moses went into the tabernacle to speak with the Lord, he removed the veil until he came out again; then he would pass onto the people whatever instructions God had given him, and the people would see his face aglow."
That is it! All wrapped up in one verse. We as followers of Jesus, who believe that He is the Son of God, are aglow with the love of God and filled with the joy of living in His presence.
We are those beacon lights that make us stand out as God's children. People notice the way we live. My co-workers and family commented to me when I had accepted to follow Jesus and walk with God. They said I had changed, and I had!
It sounds like Christians are set aside as being different, from all other people. Well they are. Christians may still have regular everyday lives like anyone else and still have bills to pay and troubles to attend to, but they believe that God is watching over their lives. They believe that God is real and that when Jesus died the veil was torn, allowing anyone to come freely to God. Jesus is God's Son, who was sent so that people could hear from Jesus Himself, the offer of coming to God through Him.
So when Moses went before God to talk to Him, He removed the veil that was covering His face. Jesus made it possible for all people to have the veil that stood between God and them taken down.
What a joy it is to be able to live in God's presence, all because God loves people enough to send His Son so that we can find our way to Him.
Soak that in for a moment. A life that glows so much that others notice and are so curious about your happiness that they too want to be part of God's family. And how easy it is for you to share Jesus, just as God shared Him with you.
Thank-you Father for the joy of Jesus and the eternal light that changes so many lives. 😊
Luke chapter 23 verse 45.
"The light from the sun was gone---and suddenly the thick veil hanging in the Temple split apart."
Hebrews chapter 10 verses 19 and 20.
"Now we may walk right into the very Holy of Holies where God is, because of the blood of Jesus. This is the fresh, new life-giving way which Christ has opened up for us by tearing the curtain---His human body---to let us into the holy presence of God."
John chapter 14 verse 6.
Jesus told him, "I am the Way---yes, and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of Me."
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