The direction.

Luke chapter 9 verse 23.
"Then Jesus said to all of them, "Anyone who wants to follow me must put aside his own desires and conveniences and carry his cross with him every day and keep close to me!"

The daily bread devotional reading led me here today. There are a lot of positive people in this world who are good at starting something but need help to finish what they start.
   I have always worked for an employer and they set the goals of the job I was to be part of. My problem was the way I thought and it got me into trouble with stern warnings from my bosses. I was always wanting to do what I thought was best, even when the job had been tried and tested over and over again until all the wrinkles had been taken out. I guess you could say I was a rebel who like to fight the system.
   Rules are put in place for a reason, because they have been proven to work. Unless you have some amazing insight that saves a ton on money and better conveniences the owners, then do not try to adjust anything they have given you to do. You will find yourself unemployed and maybe known as someone who likes to do things the way they think which makes you unattractive to others.
   When people follow closely to the leader who creates the job and sets the work for others to do then the company will be successful because everyone is doing what they are required to do. Now the promises of the company can be met on time and they will be known as reliable and trustworthy.
   Following Jesus is the same thing. We are to let go of all the thoughts that have caused us nothing but grief and trust in Jesus to guide us along the right paths. Not in just some of the things we do but in all we do. The bible tells us that we are not perfect and even if we follow closely to the teachings of Jesus and put our trust in God, we are still going to make mistakes. All because we are human, surrounded by easy outs and temptations that offer enjoyment.
   By following closely to Jesus then we are aware of what we are expected to do. We are aware of the worldly temptations and are prepared when they enter our thoughts. You see God has a plan and the plan is not to deviated from, it is not to be changed or adjusted in anyway. If you hold close to His guidance and keep your eyes focused on Him then He will protect you and give you the right thoughts and words to succeed.
   What will happen is God's plan of using you to touch the hearts of others with Jesus. People will see something different about you. They will see someone who is being led in the right direction, with a focus that never fails them. They will see how confident you are and how you want what is best for them and not for yourself.
   So take the steps to follow Jesus to God, your Father, who wants to guide you and love upon you and see you successful in bringing honor and glory to Him. He is your boss, who wants to hire you and see you at peace with all that you do. Trust in Him and you will be so happy and thankful to Him for welcoming you into His family.
   Thank-you Father for such a proven easy job, where I follow Jesus and trust in Him to keep me focused on You. 😊

Luke chapter 9 verse 2.
Then Jesus sent them away to tell everyone about the coming of the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick.

Luke chapter 9 verse 62.
But Jesus told him, "Anyone who lets himself be distracted from the work I plan for him is not fit for the Kingdom of God."

Luke chapter 16 verse 10.
"No! For unless you are honest in small matters, you won't be in large ones. If you cheat even a little, you won't be honest with greater responsibilities."     


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