Step free, Step into the Light.

2 Corinthians chapter 9 verse 12.
"So, two good things happen as a result of your gifts---those in need are helped and they overflow with thanks to God."

   Life is not all about money and having enough to provide. Feeling like you never have enough is a terrible way to live. It is like being held in as jail cell where all you see is the four walls around you. Set yourself free from the worries and concerns over money.
   Jesus says; love and trust God with all that you are, also, love others as much as you love your life with God. If you do these two things then all of everything else in your life will fall into place.
   There are many reasons why people get themselves in dept. Whatever your reason is for having dept has caused you nothing but grief and stress. People want to be repaid. You can't just borrow and expect that what you have done will just go away. It does not and that can lead to all sorts of issues.       For example worry leads to lack of sleep and that leads to feeling jittery and on edge. There is no peace in your life for you are constantly thinking about your money issues. There is always going to be another reason to need more money. You feel like you are getting ahead of what you owe and along comes another reason to spend, leaving you to borrow more.
   It becomes a never ending circle of turmoil. Your health gets affected and your relationships with those closest to you is affected. How can you find help?
   There are a lot of books and people ready to help. But their services cost and you have to buy the book in order to read it and gain some knowledge from it that you may or may not be interested in. In the mean time another reason for going further in dept has come along. So you see you are not going anywhere, you keep on struggling.
   Greed and the heart to give, can be a bank breaker. You say things like; "I need to feed my children and animals, I need to care for their everyday needs." Oh look, another birthday or casino night. "I work so I'll pay it back as I go." But that does not get you anywhere.
   Let me tell you about Jesus. He wants you to find your way free to worship and love God. God wants you to trust in Him and watch as He changes everything for you.
   The bible talks about tithing to God. Tithing is the giving of your income to Him so that you are helping to further His kingdom. God is all about trust and He wants you to trust in Him and to follow His direction. There is a goal set. It is ten percent of what you make. At first you give as you can and watch as He works with you to lighten the load on your life.
   It is because you are seeing the results of giving freely of your time and your money to Him that you start to feel peace and happiness again. You are giving joyfully because you are thankful to God.
   It is your choice as to how you live. If you keep digging deeper than the hole is very difficult to climb out of. But if you are to put your efforts towards spending time with God and getting to know Jesus than you will see His love flourish in your life. It is exactly like the bible says; "If you plant much you will harvest much." 
   Take the steps to freedom and walk in a new life totally happy and at peace with who you are. Walk with Jesus and let God watch over you. He is your Father and He wants the best for you. There will be no lack of anything. People will love your new life and you will love sharing your new life.
Thank-you Father for Jesus and for holding us close in your arms. 😊 

Psalms chapter 34 verse 9 and 10.
"If you belong to the Lord, reverence Him; for everyone who does this has everything he needs. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry, but those who reverence the Lord will never lack any good thing." 

1 John chapter 4 verse 9 and 10.
"God showed us how much He loved us by sending His only Son into this wicked world to bring us eternal life through His death. In this act we see what real love is; it is not our love for God, but His love for us when He sent His son to satisfy God's anger against our sins." 

Revelation chapter 5 verse 12.
""The Lamb is worthy" (loudly the sang it) "---the Lamb who was slain. He is worthy to receive the power, and the riches and the wisdom and the strength and the honor and the glory and the blessings."   


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