See Jesus in everything.
1 Thessalonians chapter 4 verse 14.
"For since we believe that Jesus died and then came back to life again, we can also believe that when Jesus returns, God will bring back with Him all the Christians who have died."
What an amazing hope. To actually live in God's house just as Jesus promised we would. The chapter goes on to explain that the believers who are dead will be the first who rise to meet the Lord, then those of us who are still alive will be caught up in the clouds to meet with them and the Lord and to remain with Him forever.
It sounds like a fairly tale, but it is reality for those who believe that Jesus is God's Son who said He would return and bring all believers home with Him. If a person believes that God is real and Jesus was sent by God to tell people that they need not be lost or confused about life. That they do not have to worry and have anxieties over the drama that life can easily fill people lives with. Jesus calls everyone to follow Him and to know that He was sent by God to bring people back to Him.
Jesus was put to death because people could not handle the fact of the eternal life Jesus talked about. They could not understand the words of freedom that Jesus spoke about. The fact is, Jesus is God's plan for people to have hope by trusting in Him to bring them to a life with God. People have to make a choice as to believe in an opportunity through the promises of God or not.
God wants all people to believe in Him and to seek Jesus and live life with Him while they are alive and after they die.
Personally, I do not understand why people would not choose to live with God and to know Jesus. The bible says we once were lost but now are found. That is so true. I was so caught up in the ways of the world, that I could not see past the stuff and the turmoil. It was the worries and fears of having nothing that made me reach out to the hope of God's promises.
Guess what? They are true!! I can tell you about my own life, others can tell you about the way Jesus changed their lives but it is your own experiences that will convince you that God is real and that Jesus waiting to show you the way.
There is hope, there is a better life where happiness and peace fill your days. All the sadness of sickness and death, of aging and money go away when you trust that God has got you in His arms.
Believe in God and follow Jesus. Have the peace you have longed for.
Thank you Father for taking us into your home. Thank you for Jesus and the way to have life with you now and forever. 😊
Deuteronomy chapter 34 verses 10-12.
"There has never been another prophet like Moses, for the Lord talked to him face to face. And at God's command he performed amazing miracles which have never been equaled.
John 14 verses 2 and 3.
"There are many homes up there where My Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with me where I am."
Matthew chapter 7 verses 22 and 23.
"If your eye is pure, there will be sunshine in your soul. But if your eye is clouded with evil thoughts and desires, you are in spiritual darkness. And oh, how deep that darkness can be!"
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