Jesus is the wisdom we need.

Luke chapter 2 verse 47.
"He was in the Temple, sitting among the teachers of Law, discussing deep questions with them and amazing everyone with His understanding and answers."

Let me ask you how you would feel if you saw an angel or a guy who claimed to be God? You would probably be doubtful, laughing as you walked away.
   Why is it that so many people want to believe in Jesus? Is it the hope that He is who He says He is? It can be just as confusing today as it was when Jesus walked the earth. The only difference was that they physically saw Jesus perform amazing miracles and listened as He told them His power comes from God.
   Does there have to be a physical healing, to believe that Jesus is real? No! Jesus touches our lives in so many ways, each of us different and it is that touch that brings us to believe and worship Jesus.
   The bible says in John chapter 1 that Jesus was with God in the beginning and is fact God Himself. If that is a true statement then when we are praying to God, we are talking directly to Jesus. I love that, God sent Jesus to earth so that He could tell people that God wants them to stop living without Him and start trusting Him to guide them and keep them safe.   
   Jesus made the way clear for people to talk directly to God, or you could say that when people were talking to Jesus they were talking to God. That is why His wisdom and knowledge was far more than people could understand. He was filled with God Himself. That is why He is able to do the things He does, even today.
   Peace and wisdom are hard to understand. People study their whole lives looking for the answers to all the questions they have. That sounds like a lot of work. Sure, it is good to study and know things, and to not be lazy about life but when you walk with Jesus, you are walking with God, who gives all the power and strength you need.
   Jesus is very much alive and wants you to call upon Him. He wants you to follow His teachings. You will be amazed at the knowledge and wisdom that you suddenly have. You will be thankful and at peace with everything, as you trust Him to guide you through the up's and downs of everyday living. 
   Thank-you Father for Jesus and making it clear that when we love Jesus we are loving You. 😊

Mark chapter 1 verse 14 and 15.
Jesus went to Galilee to preach God's Good News. "At last the time has come!" He announced. "God's Kingdom is near! Turn from your sins and act on this glorious news!"

Proverbs chapter 12 verse 28.
"The path of the Godly leads to life. So why fear death?"

Psalms chapter 118 verse 24.
"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."


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