His forever!

Philippians chapter 1 verse 6.
"I am sure that God who began the good work within you will keep right in helping you grow in His grace until the task within you is finally finished on that day when Jesus Christ returns."

Do you ever think that you are not worthy of having God's blessings? Do you feel that you are not living up to the standards of what God requires? You know the commandments, you know that Jesus was sent to forever forgive the sins we have. So why feel in adequate? Like you do not deserve God's wonderful love.
   We are not perfect people and we may fail daily but that does not mean we are no longer His children. Have you come to God and asked for Jesus to walk with you? If you have then you are forever forgiven. You are now and forever will be God's child. He will watch over you and care for you. He will love you, guide you and hold you close in His arms.
   The only thing that would ever separate you from His love would be to deny Him. You would have to turn your back on Him and walk the rest of your life doing what you think is right and having no contact or guidance from God. You may even make fun of Him to others and use His name as a swear word, thinking He does not care what I do, for He no longer is in my life.
   How sad that would be. There truly is a difference between living with God and with out Him. The bible says it is like living in darkness and then stepping out of darkness and into the light. A world that God created for you and I to live in where He is our Father who wants nothing but the best for us.
   So never feel like a failure. If stuff happens that builds up around you, never give up trying to climb out. Remember it is Jesus who gives you the hand that lifts you free from the burdens of life. Pray to God, talk to Him always and tell Him how you feel. Tell Him how much you love and appreciate Him in your life. No matter how bad life may be, God is always with those who have their eyes on Him. He is always with those who seek Him and put Him first in their lives. He is with those who see Jesus and live to reflect His life.
   You are now one of the family, His family and you will never feel more secure and sure of Him watching over you. There are always up's and downs, temptation does not go away. Sadness will happen, but be sure that God is with you. Live a life that reflects Jesus and you will see how God wraps His arms around you for He is your Father and He knows how you love Him.
   Thank-you Father for each and everyday and giving all people the reassurance of your unfailing love.😊 

Romans chapter 7 verse 25.
"Who will free me from my slavery to this deadly lower nature? Thank God! It has been done by Jesus Christ our Lord. He has set me free."

Psalm chapter 139 verse 6 and 7.
"This is too glorious, too wonderful to believe! I can never be lost to Your Spirit! I can never get away from my God!"

Proverbs chapter 19 verse 21.
"Many are the plans in a persons heart, but it is the Lords purpose that prevails."



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