Romans chapter 13 verse 3
"For the policeman does not frighten people who are doing right, but those doing evil will always fear him."
When I see a policeman, then I look to see why they are in the area. Are they there for good or have they been alerted to a possible crime? I have always had respect for policemen. They are there to protect people from harm by upholding the laws given to them.
Local pubs are a gathering place where people can socialize while relieving the stress of the day with alcohol. They are a lot of fun and that can lead to excessive drinking and an awful hangover the next day.
It sounds good but there is a time in there where you have to leave the pub and come to your home. Being under the influence of alcohol and maybe mixing it with a few drugs will bring on false short lived good feelings that can easily cloud our senses. So crank up the music, start the car and head for home, hoping that there is not a ride program close by or that you do not cause an accident which will bring attention to yourself.
As you get older and after doing this same routine over and over again, you may think that you are ok, so far so good. Maybe you have done something stupid and then had a brush with the law or you did get pulled over in a ride program which you lied your way through and took a sigh of relief for. Maybe you have had to spend a night in the holding tank to sober up, because the police felt you needed to sleep it off and protect you and others from an accident.
The longer we do something the more confident we get and then take chances that could end up not so good for us. There are a lot of things around us that are affected by the way we act. Are you happy or grumpy? Do you feel edgy and tired from worry? Have your emotions become stagnant and those who love you wonder if you are ok or not? You say, "It's ok, when I get off work I am going to go to the pub and have a drink with my friends."
No one wants to take the joy and happy times away from you. No one is trying to change the way you live. What does happen is loneliness, separation from those who really do love you and a failing of your health.
Reality is having a clear mind, where you can see the goodness in people and sing fully to your favorite songs. Go to the pub and have dinner and a drink, but come home quickly before the wrong false feelings take hold of you. Having the occasional day when you feel good and can enjoy the company of the real loving people who care about you, is only a tease of what is really out there.
It is your choice. God wants you to see Him clearly, Jesus wants to show you how and wants to walk with you every step of your life. There is an amazing life to be lived where love and joy out weigh the quick easy feel good moments. Policemen are people who care and want to help others through service. So when you see a police officer, know that you are ok and protected with their presence.
God wants you to be living in His presence, seeing clearly the goodness in others, enjoying to the fullest the life you have.
Thank-you Father for family and friends. For helping us to see clearly the love you have for us.
Thank-you Jesus for walking with us. For the words we speak and the thoughts that we have that fill us with the joy of serving you. 😊
Romans chapter 13 verse 10.
"Love does no wrong to anyone. That is why it fully satisfies all of God's requirements . It is the only law you need."
John chapter 14 verse 17.
"He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth. The world at large cannot receive Him, for it is not looking for Him and does not recognize Him. But you do, for He lives with you now and someday shall be in you."
Romans chapter 6 verse 23.
For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord."
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