Look and See.
Matthew chapter 9 verse 13.
Jesus added. "It isn't your sacrifices and your gifts I want---I want you to be merciful. For I have come to urge sinners, not the self-righteous, back to God."
You got to love Jesus and His confidence. He tells it like it is, not beating around the bush but straight to the point. He is not here to save those who want to question who He is or what He teaches. He is here to save those who truly believe that He can save them. There is no other way to put it. You cannot be half in or half out. You either believe He is the Son of God and that He has the power to heal. Jesus wants you to know God and to trust that God will live up to His promises.
How much more do people need to know about God and Jesus before they will trust Him completely?
It is a tall request that God is asking, but ask yourself, if you are truly happy. Have the burdens of money or addictions got a good foot hold on your life? Hope and support are huge when it comes to being set free from something.
That is what Jesus is talking about. God is wanting all people to know that they can step away from the craziness and come to live with Him. There is a wonderful joy that comes from trusting in God. You will find compassion, and love. You will find the guidance you need and through perseverance you will find success.
Say you were stuck in a mud pit that is pulling you down. You are trying to get out on your own but it is useless. The more you struggle the more frustrated you get. Then someone comes along that wants to help pull you out. There is still a struggle as the mud pit does not want to give you up freely, without a fight. With patience you do win the battle, for the person helping you, calmed you and guided you safely free.
Jesus was sent to help people be guided to freedom. He wants everyone to know that it is God's will that you be set free. Reach out and ask for help. You will be brought safely into a loving family, with a Father who will be there for you always and forever.
Thank-you Father for sending Jesus. Through Him we find a life that only comes from You.😊
Philippians chapter 4 verse 8.
"Think about all you can praise God for and be glad about"
Mathew chapter 6 verse 24.
"You cannot serve two masters: God and money. for you will hate one and love the other."
Luke chapter 15 verse 32.
"But it is right to celebrate. for he is your brother and he was dead and has come back to life! He was lost and is found!"
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