Psalm chapter 92 verse 1 and 2.
It is good to say, "Thank you" to the Lord, to sing praises to the God who is above all gods. Every morning tell Him, "Thank you for your kindness," and every evening rejoice in all His faithfulness."
When someone does something good for you it is a wonderful feeling to know that you do not have to do it or that you were thought of by someone other than yourself. It sounds a little selfish and in a way it is, but it is ok to accept the kindness of others.
Now, lets flip the scenario and think about how good it feels when you do a kindness to others. It brings a smile and a feeling of joy to your heart watching someones expression as they realize how kind you were to them, especially if they say "thank-you."
There is also the kindness towards someone without letting them know who the kindness was from or even telling others that you are the one who did such a kindness for someone. That way you are not looking for gratitude and not being put in a situation where you are expecting gratitude in return.
It is also good to be appreciative of kindness. You don't have to go overboard by showering them with to much thankfulness but a simple "thank-you" shows how you feel.
One of the affects of kindness is the way it can change how you think and act. For example, if you don't know who to thank, then repay kindness by just being a pleasant person to be around who would like to help others.
Jesus, is the biggest example of kindness that God gave freely to all people. He did not have to send Jesus to be ridiculed and ultimately put to death, but He wanted to. Jesus did amazing healing miracles and quoted the scriptures of the bible that talked of Him being the Messiah. People saw what was happening yet they could not understand how or where He was getting His power from. He was telling everyone it was from God but people could not see God and therefore accept that what Jesus was saying could be true.
Jesus fulfilled God's plan so that people would know that He is the Son of God and like the scriptures have stated He came so that people would have a savior, a restored hope in God. By believing in Jesus and that He is alive today with God, talking to Him, about those who are seeking to know Him, you are blessed with God as your Father. God's wonderful expression of love for all people is, Jesus.
Just like your gratefulness to someone who has done a kindness to you or how you feel when you have done a kindness to others, that is how God feels when He sees your gratitude and love towards Him for His Son, Jesus.
When your focus is on living a life that is pleasing to God, you will gladly give thanks to Him and freely serve others. There is a joy in your heart that you will want everyone to share in.
Tell God all the time how thankful you are to Him. How thankful you are for Jesus and His Holy Spirit. 😊
Psalm chapter 91 verse 14.
For the Lord says, "Because he love Me, I will rescue him; I will make him great because He trusts in My name."
Psalm chapter 33 verse 1
"Let all the joys of the godly well up in praise to the Lord, for it is right to praise Him."
1 Peter chapter 5 verse 7.
"Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you."
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