Each day

Mark chapter 1 verse 10 and 11.
The moment Jesus came up out of the water, he saw the heavens open and the Holy Spirit in the form of a dove descending upon Him and a voice from heaven said, "You are My Son, whom I love; with You, I am well pleased."

Are you able to believe that all the earth and the sky's above. That the sun and the moon along with all the stars and not by chance? Do you ever put any thought into how the trees and the air we breath came about? How is it that there are so many people and everyone of us each have our own personalities? How are we so creative and what is it that drives us to want more? Why are we here for only a limited time?
So what do you believe is the answer? Is it by coincidence or did the unseen God create all that we are and all that we see? The bible tells us that He did. There are also many choices that people have created in order to have answers to all the questions. The problem with all the other choices is that they fall short of being able to have an answer to everything.
God is much more than a creator of stuff, He is the heart and soul of each person. He is the feelings of love that people have. He is the joy we feel when something touches our hearts. There is life in everything and it is God who plants the seed and watches it grow. Allow Him to water you with the blessings of life. See His touch in your achievements and shine out with light of knowing it is God giving you the life you have.
Know Jesus and let Him be the example of how to live life with God. All is not by coincidence but by God's design and laid out for all, through Jesus.
If you are just strolling through life, waking up each day, letting each day play out as it does. Accepting circumstances as they happen and then falling asleep, only to wake up again and have another day come and go. If life seems to be going by so fast and the fate of aging is creeping in faster then you wanted. That sounds pretty mundane. It sounds like you are just alive each day waiting for life to make it's journey.
God sent Jesus because He knows we think this way. He wants us to experience all that He created. He wants to see and to hear the joy that we feel as we thank Him for His blessings.
Walk with God step into the world like you have never seen it before. 😊

Mark chapter 2 verse 17.
Jesus responded; "Sick people need the doctor, not healthy ones! I haven't come to tell good people to repent, but the bad ones."

2 Corinthians chapter 5 verse 21.
For God took the sinless Christ and poured into Him our sins. Then in exchange, He poured God's goodness into us!

Isaiah chapter 46 verse 4.
"I will be your God through all your lifetime, yes even when your hair is white with age. I made you and I will care for you. I will carry you along and be your Savior."         


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