Dust to dust

1 Peter chapter 2 verse 10.
"Once you were less than nothing; now you are God's own. Once you knew very little of God's kindness; now your very lives have been changed by it."

I saw a sign that read, "What would you do if you knew you could not fail." That is wishful thinking! It would be great if we did not fail, but we do. If we live without God then we are left to deal with the issues on our own, but for those who do live with God, He stands with us always. Like any father, He guides us and asks us to keep our eyes focused on Him so that He can protect us.
It is so easy to live life without God and to even deny needing His help. We say things like; "We are to busy for God and besides if He is as all powerful, as you say He is, then why is there such sickness and turmoil in this world?"
It is easier for us to shop and spend money, it is easier to take a vacation, it is easier to go jogging or to the exercise club. It is easier to have babies and to spend the our spare time with our family, it is easier to visit the elderly or to serve at a soup kitchen. There is an unlimited number of reasons as to why people don't need to spend time getting to know who God or Jesus is.
How do you spend each day and do you days seem to just come and go to fast for you to slow them down? Someone said to me; "I was born, I live out each day and at some point I will die and that is all there is to it, so I make the best of the time I have."
The bible tells us that there is a God who has created all the earth and the stars and that we are His children. When you come to believe that God is real and that His Son Jesus died so that we can come freely to God and forever live with Him. Then your life will change and the way you see each day, the way you spend your time will all be focused on our Father who loves us and lives with us.
Your life will become like that of a child who enters a play ground and loves every minute of it. There is joy in the songs you whistle, there is peace in the way you live, there is contentment for all that you have. You will love people and care about who they are. Living life with God is amazing, reading His word is always new and knowing that you will be with Him forever brings comfort and a needed rest from carrying the burdens of life. And you will belong to a Christian family with brothers and sisters who look to God as their Father.
Thank-you Father for making life with You available to us all. Thank-you for Your son Jesus. 😊

1 Peter chapter 2 verse 3.
"Long to grow up into the fullness of your salvation, cry out for this as a baby cries for his milk.

1 Peter chapter 2 verse 25.
"Like sheep you wandered away from God, but now you have returned to your Shepherd, the Guardian of your souls who keeps you safe from all attacks." 

1 Corinthians chapter 16 verse 13 and 14.
"Keep your eyes open for spiritual danger, stand true to the Lord, act like men, be strong and whatever you do, do it with kindness and love."


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