
Psalms chapter 14 verse 2.
"The Lord looks down from heaven on all mankind to see if there are any who are wise, who want to please God."

In our youth we are protected from harm and taught the ways of the world by those who care and love us. All of us get older and have to learn to take care of ourselves. What a blessing it is when we find someone who brings us comfort and peace. No longer are we facing the world alone but have the love and support of family. Two people together can create a family that cares and supports each other.
There is nothing like the comfort of knowing you have someone at your side. Someone who loves and cares about you. Someone who does not mind the mess that we can create and believes in honoring their commitments.
I read in 1 Samuel chapter 25 about a husband that was not to friendly and felt that the things he had worked hard for should not be shared with those who protected him and his family from danger. His wife however, did see the rejected response of David and his army. She stepped in quickly and was able to stop the anger of rejection.
How the husband responded was not an uncommon reaction for some people to have when it comes to giving freely. God wants to see us helping and caring about each other. The above scripture says that God watches for those who believe in Him and are living a life that pleases Him.
It is a huge weight lifted from people who find that all the stress and worry over an issue have gone by without any lasting outcome. The bible talks about how the mouth can speak kind words and also harsh words in the same breath.
No matter who you are you do not have to face life alone. If you believe that God is watching over you than you will find great comfort in knowing that He is there. He gains your trust by showing Himself in your daily success. The words you speak and the thoughts you have are pleasing to Him and He is seen as your Father. As He watches over you, you will be looking to Him, keeping a close eye on what you do.
Jesus is God's joy and it is the same joy that Jesus has, that you will have also.
Take comfort in knowing that He is with you. Talk to Him and walk with Him everywhere.
Thank-you Father for such an amazing life with you. Thank-you for Jesus and the joy He shows all people.😊

2 Samuel chapter 25 verse 15.
"But David's men were very good to us and we never suffered any harm from them, in fact, day and night they were like a wall of protection to us."

James chapter 3 verse 10.
"Blessing and cursing can come pouring out of the same mouth."

Philippians chapter 4 verse 13.
"I can do everything God asks me to with the help of Christ who gives me the strength and power."


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