Comfort Zone

Malachi chapter 4 verse 6.
"He will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers."

My dad was pretty cool. We did a few things together while he was alive. He passed away when I was 21. He loved the family and was a bundle of joy at the holiday times when family would get together. My memories of my father are good ones. I do miss him and wish we had more time to grow with each other.
Like any child I wandered from home being drawn by the bells and whistles of life. There was so much to see and to learn. My dad was always a phone call away. If I wasn't moving home for short stays then I would be home visiting. My mom and dad were my refuge and comfort zone.
I was disappointed when my dad died. I felt I could have spent more time with him, instead of being selfish with what I wanted to do.
 I was 27 years old when I had a dream, where I clearly saw my dad and was excited to introduce him to my friends. My mom told me that my memories of my father would always be with me. That the love I felt for him would always keep him with me.
Now that I walk with Jesus, I understand the love that a father has for their child and how they are with us always. God is happy when anyone comes to Him and says "Father forgive me, for I did not know" God see's us as His children and even though we follow our own lives and forget about Him, He never gives up hope that we will return to Him. God gave His Son, Jesus, so that we would find our way out of the darkness that is clouding us from seeing God, now that is love. Through Jesus, we are offered an eternal life, never to be alone again, but always with the ones we love.
I may have felt bitterness when my dad died, but God held my hand and stayed close to me so that I was not alone. Since my father, there have been many people and animals that I cared deeply for, who have passed on. I pray to God and thank Him for their love being in my life. I thank God for Jesus and salvation. I thank Him for staying close by my side as I grieve the passing of someone I cared deeply for.
Thank-you Father for family and Your welcoming, comforting love. 😊

Matthew chapter 16 verse 16.
Simon Peter answered, "The Christ, the Messiah, the Son of the living God."

Ephesians chapter 4 verse 14.
Then we will no longer be like children, forever changing our minds about what we believe."

John chapter 14 verse 10.
Jesus replied "The words I say are not my own but are from my Father who lives in Me. And He does His work through Me. 


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