Celebration time.

Luke chapter 1 verse 78 and 79.
"All this will be because the mercy of our God is very tender and heaven's dawn is about to break upon us, to give light to those who sit in darkness and death's shadow and to guide us to the path of peace."

Another Christmas is approaching. Time for dinners and decorations. It's when we gather with family and friends. It is the time for Christmas parades and getting the right gift for that someone special. It is the time when we remember our past and the good times we shared with loved ones no longer here.
It seems we go all out, at Christmas time, verses other times of the year. We travel to visit and there are plays and concerts that we enjoy watching. I pray that your Christmas will turn out for you as you hope it will be.
Yes, Christmas can be a very special time when we gather with those who we love. The heartfelt conversations and Christmas eve at the church singing songs of praise to God for the birth of His Son, Jesus. Then returning to the cozy decorated home for snacks and warm drink.
Here is a thought to ponder; Christmas, is everyday of the year when you wake up each day thanking God for His Son and His wonderful blessings.
The great thing about Christmas is the time given off work, where we can go visit and give a gift to someone and just enjoy the moment of each others company. Time that you don't normally get throughout the year.
As God's child, you are living in the light of His glory. You have come to walk with Jesus and are so thankful for each day and what it brings. You can't help but share the joy you have. So it is about sharing good food, good laughter and knowing that you are sharing Jesus, just as God shared Him with you.
Don't be disappointed if Christmas does not turn out to meet your expectations. It is not about you, it is about God and the wonderful gift He gave to all of us. It is about walking, talking and living with Jesus, now and forever.
Thank-you Father for the joy of Jesus and bringing contentment and peace into our lives. 😊 

1 Peter chapter 4 verse 11.
"Do it with all the strength and energy that God supplies, so that God will be glorified through Jesus Christ---to Him be glory and power for ever and ever."

Psalms chapter 50 verse 14 and 15.
"What I want from you is your true thanks; I want your promises fulfilled. I want you to trust Me in your times of trouble, so I can rescue you, and you can give Me the glory.

Matthew chapter 17 verse 5-7. (Peter was filled with awe and glory)
But even as he was speaking a bright cloud came over them and a voice from the cloud said, "This is My beloved Son and I am wonderfully pleased with Him. Obey Him."
At this the disciples fell face downward to the ground, terribly frightened. Jesus came over and touched them. "Get Up," He said, "don't be afraid."


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