
Jeremiah chapter 8 verse 15.
We expected peace, but no peace came, we looked for health but there was only terror."

The lives we have are not always what we expect they will turn out to be. In our youth we had all sorts of dreams. Thinking I would like to do this .... or maybe live over there. Nothing is for sure and in most cases family can get in the way of our dreams. The thing is we have to accept the up's and downs that come with life and make the best of we have. What point is there in being unhappy? It does you and your health no good. Everyone around you also experiences your sadness.
You can try to fool yourself and those around you by putting on a false front and masking your true feelings with silly games. Living like that only goes as far as the stillness of the night and having to face our racing thoughts. Depression is no fun and taking medication helps, but we still have to deal with the challenges of daily living.
We do know that talking about our issues and reaching out to others for advice does help. There is nothing better than the feeling of relief as the pressure of decisions is taken from us. There is also a great joy that comes from solving something on our own and then being praised for work well done.
Another problem is that, advice from others is not always there and lot's of times there is no praise for the answers we provide. What a terrible roller coaster ride, life can be. As we go from one high point to a deep low and then back up again.
God wants to be involved in all the issues we deal with. He never gets tired of listening to you and is always ready to provide the right guidance that you need. He sent Jesus so that we could easily find the paths needed to bring us to God. Imagine the confidence you will have when living with God and trusting Him to protect you and to give you the answers so that you can live a peaceful life. Just as you are thankful to someone who helps you when times are tough, so to will you be thankful and forever grateful to God for His love. By starting each day reading His word, you put on the armor needed to face the challenges of the day. With confidence and patience, God will provide the wisdom and the love that you need. Be prepared with God and walk with the love of Jesus. Others will notice and maybe want to know more about the love that God wants everyone to have for Him.
Thank-you Father for letting me come to You. Thank-you Jesus for showing me the way. Get to know Him. He is waiting for you. 😊

Romans chapter 5 verse 3 and 4
3)"We can rejoice, too, when we run into problems and trials for we know that they are good for us---they help us learn to be patient."
4) "And patience develops strength of character in us and helps us trust God more each time we use it until finally our hope and faith are strong and steady."

2 Thessalonians chapter 3 verse 5.
"May the Lord bring you into an ever deeper understanding of the love of God and the patience that comes from Christ."

Psalm chapter 117 verse 1.
Great is His love towards us and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever." "Praise the Lord"


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