Separated, but not alone.

Luke chapter 19 verse 10.
"For the Son of Man came to seek and to save the lost."

Have you ever been the one segregated from the crowd? It is no fun and you can feel quite alone. Segregation has always has a ripple affect. It affects all people, no matter who you are. For example, today you go to work and do something that gave the needed answer, that everyone was seeking for so long. You feel great because everyone is recognizing what you did. They are giving you attention and you like it. You become popular, fitting in with the crowd, laughing and being involve in the day to day routines. Then one day you go to work and you are not so popular. All the same people are still around you but they have found someone new to be friends with. You try to fit in but no one is seeing the pain you are going through. They don't mean to hurt you but they are and it does not feel good because it seemed like they did care, if only for the short time that they needed you, then they abandoned you. The texts and phone conversations slowed down. You were not invited to belong to all the committees and you missed out on the social luncheons. You had gone back to the person who they said "hello" to and occasionally asked if you have an opinion.
I got to tell you that this same segregation happens to all people. You are not alone in this battle. The most popular person can feel left out when they are not being talked to. Where more than two people gather then there is going to be someone feeling left out. It may not be intentional but it does happen because we are all different people. Not one of us is the same. We may have similar things in common that creates a bond but even then jealousy can play with our thoughts.
Jesus, has shown us that we can love everyone without loosing sight of the love. Even two of the disciples came to Him asking if they could be seated next to Him in heaven and that created jealousy among the other disciples. 1 Corinthians chapter 15 talks about how people have natural human bodies but Jesus is a gift from God, a Heavenly Spirit. Jesus has one goal and that is tell everyone that God should be their focus and not the concerns of jealousy or popularity. Once you can see that, then you too will act with the same love for life that Jesus has. Jesus can set you free from the bonds of this world and the struggles it brings to our thoughts. Love life itself and be so thankful to God for each and every moment. There is so much joy to be had in loving all that is Gods. One of the best gifts from God is the ability to look for the good in all situations knowing that your life is with God and the love Jesus has brought you.
Segregation may hurt, but you can overcome it quickly by knowing God is with you. Then you will live a life that is with Jesus and not on a emotional roller coaster.
I was just watching our kitten. He has eaten and played himself out. He looks so tired but the older cat is still up watching the birds through the window. The kitten wants to lay close to the cat but the cat does not want to have the kitten jumping on her. So you see, even animals have social needs. They did end up sleeping close to each other.
Thank-you Father for Your Son, Jesus. Thank-you for not pushing us away when we come to you looking for the promise of a better life. Joy is in loving each other, just as Jesus loves all people.

1 Corinthians chapter 15 verse 57.
"How we thank God for all this! It is He who makes us victorious through Jesus Christ our Lord!

Mark chapter 10 verse 35.
Then James and John, the sons of Zebedee, came over and spoke to Him in a low voice. "Master," they said, " we want you to do us a favor"

Matthew chapter 13 verse 44.
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a treasure a man discovered in a field."


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