"Proof is in the pudding"
John chapter 21 verse 12.
"Now come and have some breakfast!" Jesus said and none of us dared ask Him if He really was the Lord, for we were quite sure of it.
"The proof is in the pudding" Makes reference to all the facts are there in front of you, take them and understand them if you want to. We have a mountain of facts about Jesus and His life. Those facts also make reference to Jesus being the Son of God. The same God that created the earth and mankind. The bible tells us that God was getting totally fed up with how people had turned away from Him to live their lives as they see fit. No longer giving Him the glory and honor He deserves. So God came to earth in a human form, as Jesus Christ. Why would He do that? The facts about Jesus state that He wants everyone to know that God is sad about how people have strayed away from Him. That they no longer look to Him to protect and guide them, keeping everyone safe from the evils of this world. You have to make the choice whether you want to believe in history and it's facts or to live by your own understandings. God is offering a totally different life than what you have known. He is very straight forward about His request. He wants you to trust in Him to guide you in all you do. He wants everyone to give Him the praise and honor for the things accomplished by Him in your life.
Jesus appears to people as He wants them to see Him. He has no obligation to anyone to make Himself known but you can sense His presence when you are around Him. God touches our lives through Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The disciples may not have recognized Jesus on the beach that day but they knew it was Him by the fish they had caught, the fire and fish cooking when they came ashore and the way He spoke to them. We don't know if God is real or if Jesus is real but all the facts point to the possibility that they are real. If God is real then I would not want to be someone who misses out on His promises coming true for my life. I may not be able to touch God or Jesus but I do experience His touch on my life and live with the joy of having His direction and His love all around me. Get to know God through church, the bible or the testimonies of others and then make the choice to believe or not.
Thank-you Father for a simple plan. Knowing You through Your Son Jesus. 😊
John chapter 20 verse 25.
They kept telling Him, "We have seen the Lord," he replied "I won't believe it unless I see the nail wounds in His hands."
John chapter 20 verse 14.
"She glanced over her shoulder and saw someone standing behind her. It was Jesus but she did not recognize Him."
John chapter 14 verse 6 and 7.
"Jesus told him, I am the Way---yes and the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except by means of Me. If you had known who I am, then you would have known who my Father is. From now on you know Him---and have seen Him!"
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