Joy each day.
Genesis chapter 1 verse 31.
"Then God looked over all that He had made and it was excellent in every way."
Does weariness get to you after awhile? You know, the same thing over and over again with no change in sight? We struggle to make a few pennies and then squander them on a few moments of happiness only to find ourselves restless again. Tired and weary. That is normal everyday living. We are what we make our happiness to be. Getting stuck on the thoughts of another day being the same as the last one, or worrying about what may happen are selfish and will bring on discontent. Those feelings will make you take your frustrations out on others. This way of living is totally unnecessary.
Life can be enjoyed each and every day.
You can try to do it on your own, by putting on a false front for everyone to see or you can be truthful and honest to yourself. We know that when we do something with someone else then we are held accountable. That is the same way it is with God. When you come to God, you are admitting that God is real and you are asking Him to walk with you through life. You know, that He promises to take care of you and to guide you safely through life. So from the moment you give in to wandering through life aimlessly, struggling each day to find happiness and admitting that God promises may be true, that is the first day of a new beginning. Wahoo!!
He is like taking a breath of fresh air and having the world lifted off your shoulders. Jesus says come with me to God and give Him all your worries. Live with God and know the joy of living in peace. I, along with so many others can testify that each day you can be thankful and filled with astonishing accomplishments that boggle your mind. We are not to understand why things happen as they do, but to know God, live with God and walk with Jesus. He wants our praise and thanksgiving. He wants us to live by faith, believing that He is there watching over us at all times. He will touch every aspect of your life as long as you talk to Him and believe He is there for you. You cannot help but be happy and thankful. So much so, that others will take notice and may want to know more about what you have discovered.
Thank-you Father for being there when I called. For Your son Jesus and life with you forever. 😊
Numbers chapter 11 verse 1.
"The people were soon complaining about all their misfortunes and the Lord heard them."
Proverbs chapter 1 verse 2 and 3
"The proverbs have been written to teach people how to live---how to act in every circumstance, for he wanted them to be understanding, just and fair in everything they did."
Proverbs chapter 1 verse 29.
"For you closed your eyes to the facts and did not choose to reverence and trust the Lord and you turned your backs on wisdom, spurning her advice."
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