Material Items.

Ecclesiastes chapter 2 verse 10.
"Anything I wanted, I took and did not restrain myself from any joy. I even found great pleasure in hard work. This pleasure was indeed my only reward for my labors."

There is so much more to life than making ourselves happy and seeking out peace. Those things are nice but they are not able to sustain us leaving us constantly looking for them. We try owning a house or having a boat, maybe a new car or a short lived vacation. It is hard to find satisfaction in material items for they all need to be maintained in order to give us long lasting joy. Love for family is probably the best satisfaction we can find. Family gives back what you put into it. So if you give love than you gain the satisfaction of watching them grow and then passing along to their families the same love you have given them. Yet even with families there is turmoil and confusion. Things may not turn out just as we would like them to.
In John chapter 14 verse 27, Jesus offers the best gift ever. It is the gift of peace of mind and heart. You may ask, "what's the catch, what do I have to do in order to gain such a wonderful offer?" All God wants is for you to have a life with Jesus, where you know you are loved as one of His children. As the scriptures say "His peace is not fragile like the peace the world gives." The thing to know is that, life with God is leaving your old ways of living behind, it is an opportunity for a fresh new start without having to be reborn again. God wants you to trust in Him and rely upon Him to guide you and keep you from a life of worry and mistakes. This kind of living brings joy to both Him and you. God wants all people to come to Him. He changes all that you are and because you receive His love, you will praise Him and let others know all about Him. A life with God allows you to live in peace and harmony in the joy of living in His presence. That means, all that your are, all that you own are seen as a gift from God and it is your joy for His love that is seen by others and talked about by you. If your life is feeling overwhelmed or maybe you are filled with a joy that you cannot find the answers for. You can turn to God and find the wisdom to understand, having all of how you have perceived life to be, become clear. That is when Jesus touches your heart and your eyes are opened to see His welcoming arms and the beginning of a life filled with peace.
Thank-you Father for Your patience and your welcoming love.😊

 Psalms chapter 51 verse 6.
"You deserve honesty from the heart, yes, utter sincerity and truthfulness. Oh, give me that wisdom."

Colossians chapter 1 verse 20.
"It was through what His Son did that God cleared a path for everything to come to Him---all things in heaven and earth---for Christ's death on the cross has made peace with god for all by His blood." This includes you who were once so far away from God.

Romans chapter 1 verse 17.
"The man who finds life will find it through trusting God." 


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