Why Wait!
John chapter 17 verse 3.
"This is the way to have eternal life---By knowing You, the only true God and Jesus Christ, the one You sent to earth!"
It is an amazing gift to be offered 'eternal life'. It is even better to live in the presence of the one who offers such an amazing gift. There is no need to wait. God has had a plan all along and it is to have people everywhere know that He is the one and only true God. He wants your love and thanksgiving. He wants you to see Him as your Father, someone you completely trust and are so grateful for His love and guidance. That is not easy to do or is it? God may be unseen but His presence in your life can be real. He is waiting for you to call out to Him. He wants you to know why He sent Jesus and that through knowing Jesus you can find God and His welcoming love. A friend talked of our lives being like our house. When looking from the road we can see the front window and how clean the front room looks, but the other rooms may be cluttered and messy. God does not only want part of us to be seen as faithful to Him but He wants every part of our lives to be focused and committed to Him. That way it is clear to everyone that you are His child and He is your Father. All the stuff we have accumulated, that occupies our thoughts with worry and anxieties can be brought to God. He will show you how to let go of the unwanted baggage so that you can live a peaceful life, giving Him the glory and thanks. God's plan is not just to offer eternal life to people but it is to offer a life with Him where everyone is welcome. With God as your Father and Jesus as your Savior you will have purpose to live your life focused on pleasing Him. It is amazing that such a wonderful gift as God and Jesus can be missed out on. The good news is that He does not have to be missed, He is ready and waiting for you to call upon Him. Thank God for loving us enough to send Jesus and opening the door for all people to come live with Him. Eternal life starts now. There is no need to wait, enjoy the benefits of living with God as your Father.
Wahoo! The time is now. Thank-you Father.
Psalms chapter 37 verses 4 to 6.
"Be delighted with the Lord. Then He will give you all your hearts desires. Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him to help you do it and He will. Your innocence will be clear to everyone."
Verse 34.
"Don't be impatient for the Lord to act! Keep traveling steadily along His pathway and in due season He will honor you with every blessing and you will see the wicked destroyed."
John chapter 17 verse 21.
Jesus say's. "My prayer for all of them is that they will be of one heart and mind, just as you and I are, Father--- that just as You are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us and the world will believe You sent Me."
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