
James chapter 5 verses 19 and 20.
"If anyone has slipped away from God and no longer trusts the Lord and someone helps him understand the Truth again, that person who brings him back to God will have saved a wandering soul from death, bringing about the forgiveness of his many sins."

Trust is a hard thing to gain. It is the foundation for all relationships. It is where we feel the most comfortable. Sometimes we can be too trusting and naive to who we are talking to. We can even be misled to trust in others and then find out the hard way that we exposed ourselves more than we should have. Than our anxieties play games with our thoughts causing us to be guarded against future interactions with people. God forgave Adam and Eve for He had trusted them to obey His rules. It would have been nice for God if all could have gone back to the joy of strolling through the garden admiring all that He had created. Instead motions were now in place that would require a lot of patience and love. God's patience has surly been tried over the years and I for one am thankful that God is forgiving. He has trusted man to the world and ended up setting in place His plan of salvation through His Son, Jesus. When Jesus came, He spoke the truth and told people how much God loves them and wants them to stop walking blindly through life. Jesus is the way to finding a life of peace where God is happy to be walking once again with those who come to Him. When we find a friend in life that we can trust, we hold tightly to them giving them the respect and love of our hearts. I think there has been a lot of hurt done to people that causes us to walk softly, watching what we say and do so that we do not put ourselves in jeopardy. Jesus teaches that we can trust in the living God and not in the idols we have created where we are the only ones we trust. Jesus is like taking a deep breath and feeling a sigh of relief for He brings us to know the wonderful love God has for all people. God has forgiven us and through Jesus we can come to trust in His amazing promises. Just as Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit to give Him the power to fight off temptation and to hold fast to God's love, we too are given the same Holy Spirit and strength of God. Your joy for salvation will reflect Jesus and thankfulness you have for God. You will trust in God as you find out that He has been with you all along. God has been waiting patiently for you to come to Him and now you will want to let everyone know that God is here.
Thank-you Father for giving me a new path where I walk with Jesus.😊

Isaiah chapter 40 verses 3 to 5.
Listen! I hear the voice of someone shouting, "Make a road for the Lord through the wilderness, make Him a straight, smooth road through the desert. Fill the valleys, level the hills, straighten out the crooked paths and smooth off the rough spots in the road. The glory of the Lord will be seen by all mankind together."

Psalm chapter 8 verses 4 and 5.
"I cannot understand how you can bother with mere puny man, to pay any attention to him! And yet you have made him only a little lower than the angels and placed a crown of glory and honor upon his head."

Joel chapter 2 verse 21.
Fear not, my people. Be glad now and rejoice, for He has done amazing things for you." 


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