
Psalms chapter 119 verse 65.
"Lord, I am overflowing with Your blessings, just as You promised."

I can't believe I went through 40 years of my life without knowing what I know today. What is more exciting is there is still so much to learn. I am talking about living with God, knowing Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Now that I live with God and have the Holy Spirit living inside me, I can see how many others are missing out on a joy and peace that is available to them. I did not do anything special to deserve God's love. I was lonely and feeling low. I needed some guidance and everything I was trying was not helping. I find it kind of funny that I knew of Jesus and that there was something to His teachings but for some reason I ignored reaching for the bible. I knew of God but I never thought He would be, as much as He has turned out to be. I guess I was fed up with all the struggles that each day brought. I was tired of being single and on my own. I was tired of dating and being misguided. Money, success, family, all of it was there but I felt alone. Advice from others, dressing nice, speaking kind, just led me back to being unfulfilled. It was that moment when I picked up the bible and asked God to show me a new direction that changed everything. God let me know that I am not alone but that He is with me always. God, the almighty creator of the earth and all we see, even our bodies are from Him, cares about all people. God sent Jesus to tell us that He wants us to come to Him, to live with Him and glorify His name. With God in my life I am so aware of how I live and the way I speak. For example, I am content and know that in any situation I can call upon God to give me the strength I need, the love I need and the hope for others to know Him too. Now it is a joy to face challenges and to believe that God is with me. Now it is a joy to worship Him for I know His amazing love. Now it is a joy to share God with others whether it be in conversation or in kindness. God is there waiting to change your life and ready through Jesus to bring you home.
Thank-you Father for making the way clear. 😊 

2 Corinthians chapter 12 verse 10.
"Since I know it is all for Christ's good, I am happy about 'the thorn' and about insults and hardships, persecutions and difficulties, for when I am weak, then I am strong---the less I have, the more I depend on Him."

1 Peter chapter 2 verse 8.
"He is the Stone that some will stumble over and the Rock that will make them fall." They will stumble because they did not listen to God's word, nor obey it and so the punishment must follow---that they will fall.

Jeremiah chapter 31 verse 17.
"There is hope for your future , says the Lord and your children will come again to their own land."   


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