Facing Challenge

Mark chapter 14 verse 38.
"For though the spirit is willing enough, the body is weak."

Our intentions may be good and sometimes we even believe that we are certain of the outcome of things to come. We may believe because we have studied hard and think we are prepared or maybe we are making statements based on past experiences. It is hard to admit when a mistake is made and sometime we believe in our thoughts so much that nothing is going to change the way we are thinking. Even if we are wrong. An example would be having a discussion and trying to recall the book that was read or maybe the movie that was seen. You swear it was this actor or character and many others are saying you are wrong. It is hard to change our line of thinking once we have convinced ourselves that we are sure what we are thinking is the right answers. Jesus knows He is the Son of God, yet many others fight to believe what He is saying. Even if amazing miracles have happened and your life has been touched with the unexplainable. Are you willing to accept the fact that God has touched your life?  The story of the disciple named Peter is a good example. He says to Jesus, "I will never desert you no matter what the others do!" Yet Jesus tells Him that will not be so and he struggles with believing it until it actually happens and he does deny Jesus to others. The story of Jesus is one that people have denied for thousands of years and when they are denying Him they are stating that God, His Father, is not real. It is a choice you have to make. Like the priests that condemned Jesus to death, you have to have to ask the same question they did. "Jesus, are you the Messiah, the Son of God?" He clearly stated, "I am"
All of this may have been written so many years ago but they were written to teach us patience and to encourage us, so that we can be prepared for the time when God's promises will come true. What an amazing hope to have. That no matter what our troubles or how we have been living our lives, there is hope and forgiveness. A place where we are offered to live in peace and happy instead of undecisive of what our lives hold for us.
Thank-you Father for Your Son, Jesus and the hope of and everlasting love. 😊

Mark chapter 14 verse 61.
Then the High Priest asked Him. "Are you the Messiah, the Son of God?"

Romans chapter 15 verse 4.
"These things that were written in the Scriptures so long ago are to teach us patience and to encourage us, so that we will look forward to time when God will conquer sin and death. "

Romans chapter 3 verse 23 and 24.
"For we all sin and fall short of the glory of God and are justified freely by His grace through the redemption of His son Jesus Christ."     


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