Earnest prayer
James chapter 5 verse 16.
"The earnest prayer of a righteous man has great power and wonderful results."
When we are tired and weary, on days when there are so many troubles and concerns our prayers may be interrupted by our wandering thoughts. You come to pray with the right intentions but your mind is racing with the worries and anxieties of everyday. It is like a wall has been put up to stop you from speaking directly to God. Maybe there are medical concerns or you are worried about what someone said to you. It could be an upcoming test or lack of money to get the needed necessities.
Our thoughts are very easily manipulated and can wander in all sorts of directions taking us away from where we want to be. An example would be asking someone for help. You are in a situation where you have no other choice but to reach out to someone and ask for help but you are afraid they will not help you and are hesitant to ask. Finally when all hope is lost you reach out and find that they are welcoming and loving. Understanding your situation they kindly offer to help you and what a wonderful feeling of relief that brings to you.
Yes, our thoughts are always going to tempt us and try to misguide us because we try so hard to be in control of what happens around us. Jesus has reminded us that we are not to struggle but are to bring our issues to God and trust in Him to guide us in the right direction with the right intentions and with the confidence of His support. Calling out to God for help in times of need is good but you have to believe that He is going to help and when He does, thank Him for His love and kindness. Once you trust God because of the results you have experienced, then you can come to God, with no walls between you and in His presence you honor Him. Earnest prayer is from the heart and is a cry out to God for help. You are speaking to God one on one asking for a specific need to be met. The seriousness of your prayer is felt in your voice and expectation of His ability to help. You really believe that you are in the right place seeking the right help. God is your loving Father who wants to hear from you and is there love you and guide you safely. Trust in Him and enjoy each and every moment that you get when you come and spend time with Him. It is your personal relationship between your Father and His child.
Thank-you Father for hearing my prayers and for never turning away from me. 😊
2 Samuel chapter 6 verse 14.
"And David danced before the Lord with all his might and was wearing priests clothing."
Matthew chapter 18 verse 13
"And if He finds it, he will rejoice over it more than over the ninety-nine others safe at home!"
Proverbs chapter 3 verse 5 and 6.
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all you do acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths."
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