Be strengthened
Jude chapter 1 verse 20.
"But you, dear friends, must build up your lives ever more strongly upon the foundations of our holy faith, learning to pray in the power and strength of the Holy Spirit."
How are battles won? Are they won by continuing to fight or are they won by coming to an agreement where there is peace? If we continue to look upon those who have hurt us as evil then we will never be at peace with our thoughts. Everything we are is affected by one small hurt that is restless in our hearts. We say things that make them out to be the one doing wrong but really they are not doing anything but stirring you up. So the battle goes on and forgiveness is never achieved. God has always said that the battles are not ours to fight but that we are to bring the battle to Him and trust that He will guide us and protect us. So are we seeing through eyes that have been hurt or are we seeing through the eye's of Jesus. Prayer and appreciation for all that God has done for us is what brings peace and harmony to our troubled lives. I have come a long way on my journey with God and He has touched my life with such amazing love. I am so thankful for the gifts of life that He has provided and yet how thankful am I? Do I trust in Him enough? God promises to give us the power needed to overcome and the strength needed to stand beside Him with thanksgiving. Each time we receive something from someone, we are thankful and want to treat them with the same kindness that they have shown to us. That is all God is asking of His children. He wants us to praise Him all the time. He wants us to see how He is there for us waiting for us to appreciate Him. When we do put that kind of love in our hearts for God, who sent Jesus to show us the blessings of His love, that is when we are really living in His presence. As God's children, the Holy Spirit will convict us, showing us that we are wandering and following our own thoughts rather than speaking to Him. No matter what we are doing, no matter where we are, all of everything is a gift from God and we are not to be drawn into anxieties or worries but rather to be thankful for His blessings. You may get sidetracked and do the things you want to but listen to the Holy Spirit who is reminding you that God loves your prayers of thanksgiving. Suddenly you feel better and once again feel the love of Jesus who brings us to God.
Thank-you Father for not letting me lose sight of you. I can't thank you enough for your wonderful love. 😊
Psalm chapter 138 verse 3.
"When I pray, you answer me and encourage me by giving me the strength I need.
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 29.
God gives power to the tired and the worn and strength to the weak.
2 Chronicles chapter 20 verse 15.
"The Lord says, Don't be afraid! Don't be paralyzed by this army! For the battle is not yours, but God's!"
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