
Matthew chapter 6 verse 9.
"Pray along these lines; Our Father in heaven, we honor Your Holy name."

Have you heard of God and who He is? Have you heard of Jesus and what He gave for all of us? In Acts chapter 17 verse 23 Paul is walking by some alters and reads the inscription on one of them which says "To the Unknown God." It is easy to forget about God and go about life as if He was not there. What other explanation is there for everyone not to be gathering and praising Him or even having casual conversation about the wonderful love God gives to us everyday? I love the words of Isaiah chapter 43 verse 7. "All who claim Me as their God will come, for I have made them for My glory, I created them." We have to work hard to survive, which means having jobs to provide the necessities of life. We have children and families who need to be taken care of. Clothing, food and protection are required each day in order to survive in peace. But our minds are not satisfied with just getting by we want to give meaning as to why we are here. So people fill the gaps with excitement, laughter and fun. That can be short lived because the "extras" cost money and we all do not have the resources to give a never ending supply of what it takes to get a moment of happiness. However there is something to be said about being content with what we have and who we are. It is those who have come to the conclusion that what is around them is not just a result of hard work but that they themselves are God's children living in His world where by His loving kindness we have salvation through His Son, Jesus. Now that is positive focus, something we can sink our lives into and hold onto. God's promises are real and they are seen in the news and the stories of those who are thankful. Sure I can go fishing or read a good book. Maybe it is watching the smiles on my familie's faces as we spend time together. Those times are quickly forgotten if we do not have something to be thankful for. God states in Isaiah chapter 43 verse 10. "There is no other God, there never was and there never will be. I am the Lord and there is no other Savior." What an amazing Father we have, who cares about what we do and how we live. It is the things we see and do that are gifts from Him. So enjoy the family, the friends, the food and the world we live in for they are all from God. It is God who sent Jesus so that we would know that all is from Him. It is through Jesus that we can come to God and give our thanks for all of His provision and love. There is a peace and a joy that comes with knowing God and who Jesus is. Not just a moment in time that is gone by but a thankfulness for each moment that is given to us by God.
Thank You Father for Your Son and the life we can have with You. 😊

Isaiah chapter 43 verse 22.
"But O My people, you won't ask for My help, you have grown tired of Me!"

Verse 19.
"For I am going to do a brand new thing. See I have already begun! Don't you see it?"

Psalms chapter 23 verse 6.
"Your goodness and unfailing kindness shall be with me all of my life and afterwards I will live with You forever in Your home."


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