The news is out.

Proverbs chapter 11 verse 22.
"A beautiful woman lacking discretion and modesty is like a fine gold ring in a pig's snout."

What does that mean? I have no idea but it sounds funny. What grabs my interest may not be see the same by others. God is all around us and so too are people. If I can see the wonderful beauty that God created and experience the awesome joy of knowing Jesus than why doesn't everyone know Him as I do? That is only a question God can answer. What I can do is live my life to the fullest of God's love. To me it is like the best ride ever that you could be on. It is like the life change that will never be forgotten happening all the time and forever. I seem to have a purpose. I'm not totally sure what direction my purpose is going to take me each day but I do know that I trust God to direct me and give me the joy that brings glory to Him. Luke chapter 6 verse 45, "A good man produces good deed's from a good heart. And an evil man produces evil deeds from his hidden wickedness. What ever is in the heart overflows into speech." I would never have thought about those words before but I do see now how once I was miss-directed and now how happy I am to live in God's presence. Earlier in the same chapter, Jesus went into the mountains to pray and He prayed all night. I get why He did that. He is so thankful to God and wants to spend time alone with Him. I am still the same person living in the same body, making all the same stupid mistakes that I did before but now I am listening to praise music, I am seeing the touch of God on my life in the things I say and do. I am so thankful to God for Jesus and the joy I have for life with Him. I'm not to judge, I'm not to be forceful, I am to be me, the one that God has accepted and loves. I do not know who God will touch next but I understand what will happen to them when He does. It truly is like the blind man who had His sight restored. An overwhelming joy that touches your heart all day and forever.
Thank-you Father for welcoming all who know Jesus. 😊

Revelation chapter 22 verse 9.
"No, do not do anything like that, I too am a servant of Jesus as you are and as your brothers the prophets are, as well as all those who heed the truth stated in this book. Worship God alone"

Colossians chapter 1 verse 23.
"This is the wonderful news that came to each of you and is now spreading all over the world."



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