
John chapter 12 verses 44-46.
"If you trust Me, you are really trusting God. For when you see Me, you are seeing the one who sent Me. I have come as a light to shine in the dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer wander in the darkness. "

All around us is a world filled with people who doubt. Who have a hard time understanding the truth of God and what Jesus is teaching. There are way more believers now that there were in Jesus' time. As a Christ follower we believe in things that other people may find a little hard to accept. The biggest issue is the joy we have in the the hope of eternal life. The hope of salvation and healing is something that everyone probably wants and would take hold of if they could only get past the fact that Jesus was physically alive 2000 years ago and we are to believe by faith that God sent Jesus from heaven to tell us that it is possible for all people to have His promises. John chapter 12 verse 28 say's; Then a voice came from heaven saying, "I have already done this and I will do it again." At that time God actually spoke to crowds of people and some heard it as thunder and others declared an angel had spoken. At work and at home we are always surrounded by opinions and temptations. We do have a choice to let the opinions of others influence us or to be the words of wisdom and common sense from God. It is God's love for all people that can calm our hearts and bring peace to our lives. Jesus goes on in John chapter 12 to talk about His death and that when He is lifted up on the cross people will be drawn to Him. Then in verse 34, the crowd asked "Die?, we understood that the Messiah would live forever and never die. Why are you saying He will die? What Messiah are you talking about?" Even though Jesus had done such amazing miracles people lost faith when they heard Him say He was going away. I believe in Jesus and the promises of God. I believe in reading His word and thank Him for His love. I believe in calling upon the Holy Spirit all day long for wisdom and direction. I believe in honoring God and standing out as His child. It is a tough world with so many things that want to pull us away from following the light of Jesus. From believing in God's promise of salvation and eternal life. I smile as the warmth of God's protection surrounds me. A tear comes to my eye for those who question the true light of God. I pray that the way I live, brings God and hope through Jesus to others who I talk with. Let the amazing gift of God touch your life through Jesus Christ His Son.
Thank-You Father for softening my heart and opening my eyes. 😊

John chapter 12 verse 35 and 36.
Jesus replied, "My light will shine out for you just a little while longer. Walk in it while you can and go where you want to go before the darkness falls, for then it will be too late for you to find your way. Make use of the Light while there is still time, then you will become light bearers."

Proverbs chapter 20 verse 6.
"Most people will tell you what loyal friends they are but are they telling the truth?"

Jeremiah chapter 29 verse 11.
"For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord. They are plans for good and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope."     


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