Lamentations 3 verse 58.
"Oh Lord , You are my lawyer! Plead my case ! For you have redeemed my life."
To "Lament" means to feel sorry for something we have done, asking for forgiveness and feeling regret so that we do not do the same again. This can seem like a daily prayer to us. Each day we do things that are not right and either we do not care and just keep on going with no thought of who we have hurt or what we have brought upon ourselves or we do care and ask for forgiveness, learning from our wrongs. I would not have put a second thought into God except too many things were happening to me that I thought could not be a coincidence. Life was good and simple, so I thought maybe it is God doing these things. What can it hurt to read a bit and gain some knowledge. I learned that by trusting in God, all things can have an understanding. Our troubles and temptations will not stop but now God is there, thanks to Jesus for us to come to and ask for help. By starting each day in prayer and calling out to Him when being attacked, I gain confidence to look and listen and then respond. Somehow the right words come out of me to keep conversations proper and with the right thoughts I turn my back on the temptations that have had holds on me. I love the feeling that comes from being able to wise choices of my life and I give all the thanks to God. So much has changed, my old ways are definitely gone, I get to socialize without feeling shame or guilt. I have a lot more patience and I am willing to take on new challenges. I trust God in all I do. I would never have purposely been a servant to others but now I see that by being a servant I not only bring joy to others but also to myself. I have learned that God is happy with me and that I am overflowing with love for Him. I am thankful for Jesus and the life He lived.
There are many challenges ahead of me yet and by trusting in God and keeping Him first in my thoughts, I will not be alone. I keep the bible close to me and do not hesitate to talk with Him about everything. In His timing things will be done. I have learned to watch what I say and what I do. If I seem to be running into problems then I step back and refocus. It is ok to ask for help from others and to use their experiences to move forward. You see, God is with you steering your shoulders in the right direction. Tell Him how thankful you are.
Thank You Father for Jesus and for showing me how to be thankful. 😊
Deuteronomy chapter 24 verse 19.
"If, when reaping your harvest, you forget to bring in a sheaf from the field, do not go back after it. Leave it for the migrants, orphans and widows, then the Lord your God will bless and prosper all you do."
Psalms chapter 34 verses 9 and 10.
"If you belong to the Lord, reverence Him. For everyone who do this will have everything they need. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry but those of us who reverence the Lord will never lack any good thing."
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