
Psalms chapter 63 verses 2 and 3.
"How I wish I could go into your sanctuary to see your strength and glory, for your love and kindness are better to me than life itself. How I praise You!

I read Exodus chapter 23 today and felt a little off about how God promised to give the Israelite's everything they needed as long as they stayed faithful and true to Him, obeying His laws. Verse 27 says, "The terror of the Lord shall fall upon all the people whose land you invade and they will flee before you." That's scary stuff. I know they are God's chosen people and still are to this day. It is like belonging to the right gang. The problem was that people did not listen and did the opposite of following God. They followed after their own thoughts and fought their own battles and they struggled. Immorality, disease and war covered the earth. Even though God proved that He is the strongest, for example,who can cause a pillar of fire and then part an ocean making it dry enough for people to walk on? Who can cause a great flood to cover the earth and then create a rainbow? Wow! He is strong, I would not want to cross Him. In the bible I read about how God tried several times to give a good life to those He cared deeply about but to no avail, they continued to follow their own thoughts. Running out of options and not wanting to just destroy everything He had created, He sent His Son to work on His behalf, giving them tangible evidence that they could see and touch and realize that once again all that happened years before was true and still is true today. God wants people to love Him and not just the Israelite's  but all people. When Jesus came He changed all the rules from destroy to love. God knows that people are going to do what they want to do and He has tried to tell them the outcome of following their own ways is not an eternal life of joy and peace but of suffering and struggles. God does watch over His children just like a father watches and guides his children. Jesus did come and did amazing things while He was here. When Jesus left the earth and returned to heaven promising to come again, He did not leave us alone. God left us with the Holy Spirit, who guides us in all truth. What does that mean? Well I wondered about all the amazing things that were happening to me so I picked up the bible and found out that God blesses those who believe that He sent Jesus and that through Jesus I am able to live my life with God. So I started on a journey that walks with God and follows after Jesus and I have found such an amazing peace that is not of destroying nations to make me happy but of giving me the right thoughts to think and the right words to speak that keep my focus on God and His love for me. Like the child, who's father looks after him I look to God for guidance and give Him the praise for giving me a life with Him and His Son, Jesus.
Thank You Father for forgiveness and for Jesus, our way to live with You. 😊

Matthew chapter 7 verses 11 and 12.
"And if you hardhearted, sinful men know how to give good gifts to your children, won't your Father in heaven even more certainly give good gifts to those who ask Him for them? Do for others what you want them to do for you. This is the teaching of the laws of Moses in a nutshell."

John chapter 14 verse 6 and 17
Jesus told him, "I am the Way---yes and the Truth and the Life. No one can get to the Father except by means of me."

"He is the Holy Spirit, the Spirit who leads into all truth."



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