Dealing with it.

Nahum chapter 1 verse 3
"The Lord is good! When trouble comes, He is the place to go! And He knows everyone who trusts in Him!"

Reality is that life is harsh. It can seem relentless and unforgiving. It can seem like a never ending battle with no hope in sight. You may think that only you are the one who can help. There are others who want to help but they are all words and no action. I'm the only one who correct the wrong and so I need to take matters into my own hands. That way of thinking has never worked in the past so why should it work now? What ever the issues are that you are dealing with, they have happened to others before. Death is not new, losing a loved one is not new, cancer or any other illness is not new. They are all painful and can bring on feelings of frustration, anger, hate and even revenge. So what! Theses things have happened to others before but I am the one who is being attacked, not them. They may have dealt with their issues in their ways but I need to deal with mine and I will do it the best way I know how. All the programs out there and all the words spoken are not taking away the pain I deal with. There is no hope.
Everyday millions of people young or old are dealing with the emotions that are caused by pain and suffering. They cloud the mind and block the thoughts of any hope being available. God is the answer and He gave His son to die a horrible death on the cross so that people everywhere for all time will know that there is hope. First you have to believe that God is real. The world around you is a gift from God and He has given it to us to enjoy. Second, you need to know that God, the creator of all we see, had a choice to make, just like you. He could have destroyed all of everything with a single word but He did not, instead He sent Jesus to give people hope. Jesus healed the sick and changed the failing emotions by removing the evil that haunts people. Now many years later Jesus has proven to change life by the testimonies who have come to Him. It is those same people who are now offering the programs to help. They could be anyone who is kind to you and wants to show compassion.
Jesus offers the way to God and has made Him available to all people. The world can be harsh to face each day and seem like a never ending battle but you can turn away and see the help you need. Look at it this way, if you continue on the paths you are on what good is going to come? Jesus is there and God wants to love you, give Him a try and test his promises as they can change the circumstances you are dealing with. He has done it to so many others who are so thankful to live in His presence.
Thank-you father for the hope of a peaceful life. 😊     

Psalm chapter 34 verse 8.
"Oh, put God to the test and see how kind He is! See for yourself the way His mercies shower down on all who trust in Him."

Isaiah chapter 40 verse 28 and 29.
"Don't you yet understand? Don't you know by now that the everlasting God, the creator of the farthest parts of the earth, never grows faint or weary? No one can fathom the depths of His understanding. He gives power to the tired and the worn out and strength to the weak."


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