John chapter 6 verse 45.
"They shall all be taught of God. Those the Father speaks to, who learn the truth from Him, will be attracted to me"
What is a gift? Is it something we have been looking forward to getting? Is it the item we have been longing to get! or is it just something else we receive from people at birthdays and Christmas? What if you are someone who has never received a gift before! or it is exactly the gift that you need and can use? Oh, how thankful you were to get it and to be thought of. Now I need to ask how long it took for that gift to get lost in all the other stuff we have? Do you think of the person who gave it to you when you come across the item years later? So I ask, what is a gift? When I was in grade 4, I was stealing money from my parents and treating my friends to donuts and soda. I don't think they cared less about the gift I was giving them but they were paying attention to me and that was the point. It did not take long for my parents to catch on and they took me to see a shrink. After a few tests, he sat me down and promised to give me a gift if I stopped stealing. Wahoo! I said ok. Well, one week went by and then 2 months. I was not impressed and was very close to doing what I had done before. I remember the day the gift came and the note I read. The man had been in a car accident and was hospitalized. He apologized and asked me to accept the train set as his gift. I never did tell anyone how I felt but I did feel terrible and that incident has always made me think twice about taking something that does not belong to me and making assumptions. In John chapter six, it talks about the crowds who were on their way to Passover festivities taking the time to follow Jesus and watch Him heal the sick. They were amazed when out of nowhere He came up with enough food to feed over 5000 people. That night Jesus amazed the disciples by walking on water. The next day when the people did catch up with Him they asked "how did you get here." In verse 26 Jesus replied "The truth of the matter is that you want to be with me because I fed you, not because you believe in me." Jesus goes on to tell them to seek not after perishable things but to seek after the eternal life that He can give for that is why God sent Him. They reply by asking for more miracles. The best gift ever is right in front of us and God wants us to have it. Jesus will change the way you see things. Once you start to seek out Jesus and as you get to know the love of God you will see that everything is a gift. You will appreciate the air you breath, the sight you have. You will see your spouse as a gift and do things for others that brings happiness to them. The will of God, is that you accept the gift of Jesus. You will tell others about Him because He will not be put on the shelf and only seen occasionally but He will affect everyday of your life, forever.
Thank-you Father for giving your Son as a gift to all people. 😊
John chapter 6 verse 33.
"The true Bread is a Person---the one sent by God from heaven and He gives life to the world."
Psalms chapter 34 verses 9 and 10.
"If you belong to the Lord, reverence Him, for everyone who does this has everything he needs. Even strong young lions sometimes go hungry but those of us who reverence the lord will never lack any good thing."
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