Application and Approval
Galatians chapter 2 verse 19.
"For it was through reading the Scripture that I came to realize that I could never find God's favor by trying ---and failing---to obey the laws. I came to realize that acceptance with God comes from believing in Christ."
Life with God is not about how others see us. It is not about being accepted by people or receiving their approval to be God's child. As Christ followers we face many challenges each day because we want to be honest and true to our faith. So how are we to get along in a world that wants to do things their own way believing it is the right way? God's plan is very simple. Trust in the Son of God and that He loves you and gave Himself for you. If you believe that, than all else falls into place. A good example would be to think that you are not alone, ever. That now you are God's child and He is watching over you, wanting to protect you. With that in mind we have peace and confidence, which brings a joy and love that is so thankful to God for giving us His Son. It is also the same love for people that Jesus gave His life freely so that we can come to live with God. The only way that I can learn is by making mistakes and I am so thankful that God is there with me, to help me up and set me back on track. You see, God loves all people and wants them to turn away from not believing in Him to believing that He is real and that He sent Jesus to show us the way to a life with Him. His plan is simple, we are to have our focus is on our Father who is walking with us because we believe in Him. We may be surrounded by attitudes and challenges but as a Christ follower we are not facing anything alone. You will be sad for those who do not see Him as you do but there is also a smile inside you because there is a hope that they too will know Jesus.
Thank-you Father for Your love and never giving up on me. Thank-You for your Son, Jesus.😊
Galatians chapter 2 verse 20.
"I have been crucified with Christ and I myself no longer live, but Christ lives in me. And the real life I now have within this body is a result of my trusting in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me."
Proverbs chapter 20 verse 24.
"Since the Lord is directing our steps, why try to understand everything that happens along the way?"
Psalms chapter 118 verse 24.
"This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it."
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