Depending on God
Psalm chapter 34 verse 18-20.
"The Lord is close to those whose hearts are breaking, He rescues those who are humbly sorry for their sins. The good man does not escape all troubles--- he has them too. But the Lord helps him in each and every one. God even protects him from accidents."
I remember my life without God being in it. I was missing so much. Living in God's presence is all I want to do now. It is a joy to thank Him constantly for the way I feel and all because I see His touch in the things I do, the trust I have in Him for the words I speak and the way I fight evil. The old me knew no better and caused me a lot of grief, but God says "test me and I will show you how kind I can be." He is the place where I am.
Admitting you need help is not a bad thing. In fact it is the responsible mature thing to do and brings peace to everyone's lives. Even the smallest of mistakes can spiral out of control quickly if left unattended. It could have been a misplaced word spoken or an impulse to purchase something that has left an unwanted debt. Everyone has made a mistake at one time or another, it is how the situation is dealt with, that matters. When confronted, because what we have done is now affecting others, do we own up to our mistake or is it "brushed under the carpet" never dealing with it and letting it get worse? At work I would try to hide the errors I made just for the sake of saving embarrassment. At home I would get caught in a "white lie" making things worse than they were before. My past was riddled with guilt and shame to the point where I became cold hearted and self centered. When I started my walk with God, I read in Matthew chapter 5 that if someone has something against me I need to correct it before I could come to Him offering Him my praise. Wow! that was forcing me to face my giants and the biggest problem I had, was to face myself. I did trust the small voice inside me and became no longer afraid of owning up to my mistakes. That was just another touch that God had on my life as I earned the respect of my peers and realized the love that God has for me. I felt good about myself and stepped away from my old life and into a life of peace where I give all the praise and glory to God for loving me. The choice is mine and now when faced with issues, I am not alone but I call out to God for help and find the strength I need to move forward. By admitting my mistakes people helped me instead of confronting me. By turning my back on temptation I did not put myself in a place of jeopardy. I start each day knowing that I will be needing God's protection and guidance, so I thank Him ahead of time and ask to walk in His presence. I read His word and gain the knowledge to be prepared in bringing honor and glory to His name. I am so thankful for the right words and the right thoughts that will help others see Him in me. A peaceful life can be had by reaching out to God and getting to know Jesus.
Thank-you Father for the strength I need and Your love. 😊
Psalm chapter 34 verse 8.
"Oh, put God to the test and see how kind He is! See for yourself the way His mercy showers down on all who trust in Him.
Psalm chapter 34 verse 12-15.
"Do you want a long, good life? Then watch your tongue! Keep your lips from lying. Turn from all known sin and spend your time in doing good. Try to live in peace with everyone, work hard at it. For the eye's of the Lord are intently watching all who live good lives, and he gives attention when they cry to Him."
Psalm chapter 31 verse 4.
"The one thing I want from God, the thing I seek most of all, is the privilege of meditating in His Temple, living in His presence everyday of my life, delighting in His incomparable perfections and glory."
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