
Psalm chapter 3 verse 1-3.
"O Lord, so many are against me. So many seek to harm me. I have so many enemies. So many say that God will never help me. But Lord, You are my shield, my glory and my only hope. You alone can lift my head, now bowed in shame."

Psalm chapter 4 verse 2.
The Lord God asks, "Sons of men, will you forever turn my glory into shame by worshiping these silly idols, when every claim that's made for them is false?"

God's love is amazing, filled with hope, peace and joy. So why would so many people reject Him? Why do we keep on sinning when there is such an amazing God who loves us? It is because we are people of want and greed. It is very hard to be satisfied with what we have and when we do get something we want, we defend having it and will keep it at all costs. People do not mean to be that way but they do find it hard to control the urges of temptation. In the morning I like to sit with the cat for a few minutes. I can't help but notice how it comes right to me, then climbs up making itself comfortable and begins purring as I pet her. She is so thankful and filled with love, not afraid and hiding but at rest enjoying every minute of her time with me. That is the same love God wants from us. He wants us to be free from stress and worry, so that we can be thankful to Him for His love. How wonderful it is to live in the presence of God, who wants to bless us with such amazing lives. My want's seem so small when compared to what God has given to me. As I look around and see my family and having the good health to enjoy them, I give thanks to God for His generous blessings upon me. Like the cat soaking up every moment of being safe and loved, I too am filled with the joy of God's love. How thankful I am that God gave Jesus into our lives and how thankful I am to Jesus for the sacrifices He made so that I may have a life with God. Everything has consequences and it is those consequences that define how we feel and how we look. The stress and worry that come from fighting the battles of life show in our lives. But because God loves us we can live in the joy of being content with His love and provision. Be thankful to God for everything, all the time and tell Him so. Be prepared for the battles of life by trusting in God and calling to Him for help. Read His word and your heart will be filled with the joy of His love. The smile on your face for the peaceful content life you have will be seen by others as you reflect His love.
Thank-you Father for each day and the joy of my family.😊

2 Corinthians chapter 9 verses 7-10.
"Everyone must make up his own mind as to how much he should give. Don't force anyone to give more than he really wants to, for cheerful givers are the ones God prizes. God is able to make it up to you by giving you everything you need and more, so that there will not only be enough for your own needs, but plenty left over to give joyfully to others."

I like the song lyrics that say.
"I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Letting go and trusting when I cannot see
I am counting every blessing, counting every blessing
Surely every season you are good to me"


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