Hard Work
Ecclesiastes chapter 5 verse 20.
"To enjoy your work and to accept your lot in life---that is indeed a gift from God. The person who does that will not look back with sorrow on his past, for God gives him joy."
Are the words that I speak inspirational? Do they touch your heart and reach to those who need more of God in their lives? The words may be encouraging but they are meant to inspire change. They are meant to bring the love of God into each person's life. My readings this morning talked about rest for the soul. How busy is our mind that we cannot enjoy the life God has planned for us? It is important to get the rest our bodies need, otherwise we become weary, forgetful and just look drawn out. You know how good it feels to take a drink of ice cold water on a hot day and say "I needed that" that is how we feel when we are refreshed. Like we have given our body just what it needed. In Genesis chapter 2 verse 2 and 3, God had finished His work week and He rested. He blessed the seventh day as Holy and He rested from the work He had done. We work hard for a living to make the money needed to provide for ourselves and our family. So proper rest is important to help us get through the coming week ahead. Proper rest means feeling good about yourself. Sleep is needed but resting is being content with with the life we have. I used to like the feel good moments with having a drink but it was a short lived, leaving me feeling rough and lazy the next day. God has shown me that every moment of life is to be savored. When we are busy we walk right past things and do not even notice them. Cell phones have had a big influence on what we experience and where we put our priorities. Through the week I like to work and have found enjoyment in what I do and what I accomplish reflects the way I live and my health. God had made all that possible for me through His son Jesus. God is my way of life. Not just on Sunday but He is with me all the time. I rest each day in the knowledge of God being with me as He shares in the joy I have for my family, my friends and the things I accomplish. All day and especially on Sunday's I sings songs of praise to Him for His love and His blessings. I take the time to have personal prayer with Him thanking Him for Jesus, for my life with Him. My joy comes from the inspiration I get from God. It is His love that fills my days.
Thank-you Father for each day.
Psalms chapter 127 verse 2.
"It is senseless for you to work so hard from early morning until late at night, fearing you will starve to death, for God wants His loved ones to get their proper rest."
Matthew chapter 11 verse 28.
"Come to me and I will give you rest---all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke."
John chapter 14 verse 27.
"I am leaving you with a gift---- peace of mind and heart! And the peace I give is not fragile like the peace the world gives. So do not be troubled or afraid."
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