Each Day
Matthew chapter 6 verse 34. "So do not be anxious about tomorrow. God will take care of your tomorrow too. Live one day at a time."
We need to take each day as it comes for we do not know what the day will bring. We may have an idea where we are going to be and what we may be doing when there, but we do not know what circumstances will happen. We know that we will have to interact with people and that they can and probably will affect our thoughts. Our own way of thinking, our judgments and habits can also affect the day we will have. Even when we are learning something new we are adjusting it to suit our own ways of acceptance and understanding. And that can be where we run into trouble. It is known as road blocks because we are having a hard time accepting what is in front of us and are struggling with how to make it fit into our understanding. So we take one day at a time and end up with stories of attitude, joy and failures.
What ever the reasons were that led me to reading the bible, I am so thankful that I did. I now know God as my Father and Jesus as my Savior. I have learned that I am no better than anyone else in fact I would rather humble myself to situations and learn with patience and love. I still blurt out things that have no meaning and often cause more confusion than good. I'm sure I could do way better at listening and understanding before speaking and coming to conclusions. I like to start my day by reading the bible and taking time with God, loving Jesus and learning from His teachings. God promises to be with me through out my day which gives me the confidence I need to be a servant to others just as Jesus did. I do have a lot of experience and knowledge that can help, but I have learned to offer them when they can be helpful. We do not know what each day will bring, so start off by reading God's word and thanking Him for His love. Know that He is with you and wants what is best for you so that you can give Him the praise for the life you have. He knows we will follow after our own inclinations, we can't help it, but we can know His presence in our day and trust in His promises to be there for us always.
What a relief it is to know God is with us. 😊
Matthew chapter 7 verses 7, 8, and 12. "Ask and you will be given what you ask for. Seek and you will find. Knock and the door will be opened. For everyone who asks receives. Anyone who seeks, finds. Do for others what you want them to do for you."
Mark chapter 10 verse 43 and 44. "Who ever wants to be great among you, must be your servant. And whoever wants to be greatest of all must be a slave of all."
Isaiah chapter 40 verse 29. "God give power to the tired and the worn and strength to the weak."
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