Beauty around us.

John chapter 4 verse 42. "Now we believe because we have heard Him ourselves, not just because of what you told us. He is indeed the Savior of the world."
Simple questions are often missed, we can be quick to make up our own opinions before we know all the facts. That can easily happen when we walk into a conversation already in progress or if we are busy rushing around or it can even happen because we unknowingly block what is being said. For example I took my car in for a tire issue and the mechanic came back saying there was a transmission problem. What? or my wife was telling me something and I responded to a different subject all together. Oops! Or I come in on a conversation about something everyone else had seen but I missed, I must have just walked right past and never noticed it. Da!! All these examples can be frustrating, but they also teach us to slow down. To look and to listen and to gather information before we come to a conclusion. When we do have the information everything seems to come together and that is when we get to enjoy peace and joy. At one point or another I must have heard something about God and it was years before I even gave Him a second thought. Am I ever glad I did, now I get to experience Jesus and all of life with Him. I may have missed out before on God and His love for us all because I was not listening, but no longer. I have come to trust in God to guide me daily and as a result I have learned to look and to listen and enjoy all the beauty of the world around me. I have learned to have patience and to ask for the right words to speak. I still make mistakes and jump to my own conclusions, but the difference is I now see the beauty of God's hand in all I do and what is even better others have seen the change in me. My past was a blur masked by confusion that was caused by unnecessary worry and anxiety. Through Jesus I am able to see clearly the life has had waiting for me all along. I see now, how silly of me it was to fight the world and how exhausted I became doing it. God's plan is simple, trust in Jesus to let us see the offer of life that God has for us. My life is no longer a blur it is exciting to see clearly the results of trusting in God.
Thank-you Father😊
Proverbs chapter 3  verses 5 and 6. Love the Lord God with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all you do and He will direct your paths.


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