Not Alone
Having a mate is so important. We are social people and like having someone whom we can love and trust. It is not easy finding someone we can be close to and have with us for a life time. Dating can be fearful and we have our guards up with expectations. We put these demands upon ourselves because not being alone is who we are. We may be able to live alone, but we still care and love others. There is always someone it could be a friend a co-worker or a parent, but we always have someone whom we can confide in. What's even better is the person doesn't mind listening to us, they seem to enjoy who we are, overlooking our faults and misconceptions and the same is given from us to them.
God is the best friend you will ever have. He loves you unconditionally and sees you as His child. He wants you to know and trust in Him. He wants you to know Jesus and the love He has for you. Some people see animals as their best friend and they can be for they are a gift from God. I was afraid of relationships with people. I found there too be to much attitude and I became guarded against hurt and rejection. I did not like being alone either so I finally gave in from struggling with life and asked God for help. When I did let my guard down, I told God all of my fears, hurts and anxieties and I found Him standing right there ready to hold me close. I realized I was not alone and that God was with me. I found the bible to be comforting because the words spoke right to the very life I was living. So I followed after Jesus and found a peace like I had never felt before. I became content with my life and found joy in living with God. I still wanted a mate, but a life with God became more important, my eyes were on my Father as I trusted and held close to Him. I did meet my mate and she too loves God. So instead of being alone try talking to God, He is there waiting and wants you to know Jesus.
Thank-you Father for helping me see You and the love You have for me.
Proverbs chapter 19 verse 23. "Reverence for God gives life, happiness and protection from harm."
2 Corinthians chapter 3 verses 4 and 5. "We dare to say these good things about ourselves only because of our great trust in God through Christ, that He will help us be true to what we say and not because we think we can do anything of lasting value by ourselves. Our only power and success comes from God."
Psalm chapter 34 verses 9 and 10. "If you belong to the Lord reverence Him, for those who do this have everything they need. Even strong young lions may go hungry, but those who reverence the Lord never lack any good thing."
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