To trust in something we first have to know what it is we should trust in and why it is that we should trust it and even then we can be skeptical wanting proof of reassurance that it is worthy of our trust. That is why God says "Trust me and see for yourselves" (Psalm 34 vs 8)
To trust in God we must be ready to surrender our lives to Him and not just at the crucial moment for example I heard this joke where there was this guy hanging from a cliff by a tree root and he was calling out to God "If you are real, help me" and God told him to grab the rock also. The guy thought for a moment and then said "What? Is there anyone else up there who can help?"
God will help us in all times of need, but He also wants us too see Him as our Father, not just someone passing by, He wants us to see Him as someone who we can cling onto, who will guide us safely through life so that we know we are not alone. I love it because God keeps His requests simple. The bible is filled with stories of those who trusted in God and His promises and it can also be heard in the many testimonies of our church family. I struggled with letting go and trusting in an unseen God, I even questioned whether I was ready knowing I was going to fail.
Isaiah chapter 55 verses 8&9. "This plan of mine is not what you would work out, neither are my thoughts the same as yours!! For just as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than yours and my thoughts than yours."
Step out in faith and you will see the joy of God touch your life. When you trust in God, you will see amazing things happen for example you will meet people who care and even become friends. You will want to help others and enjoy entertaining at your home. You will see that you are not alone and start doing things differently and a peace and joy will come over you like you have never experienced before. So be a new and different person walking with Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Live a life that pleases God and let Him pour out blessings onto your life.
Romans chapter 12 verse 2. Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but be a new and different person with a fresh newness in all you do and think. Then you will learn from your own experience how His ways will really satisfy you.
Thank-you Father 😊
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