See Clearly

Matthew 5 verse 11. When you are reviled and persecuted and lied about because you are followers --- Wonderful!!!
A life with God is totally different from the one you have been used to. It is a total change to the current way of thinking. Your focus will become Him, your life will become about pleasing Him with all you do. Do not let me scare you away. Life with God is freedom from worries and anxieties, I like to compare it to an innocent child who holds closely to their Father relying upon them for everything. It may sound weak to rely upon someone other than yourself and to trust your life to someone you do not even know. I ask you to think about that for a moment; God the creator of all things is offering you a safe secure home, a life where He will take care of you and all He asks for in return is your love. God sees you as His child, He has been with you from the moment you were conceived and no matter who you are and what your life consists of , He asks for you to come to Him. Through Jesus we can know God and His love for us, Imagine a totally new you with a joy never experienced before giving all your love and praise to God for loving you as He does. Thank-you Father😊

Psalm 51 verse 6. You deserve honesty from the heart; yes sincerity and truthfulness. Oh, give me this wisdom.

Isaiah 40 verse 29. God gives power to the tired and worn and strength to the weak.

It all sounds nice and the truth is God's promises can happen, but we are still living in this world with the lives that we have. There are smooth talking people and temptation pulling at us constantly. God knows that and that is exactly why He sent Jesus, that is why He reaches out to us. He knows we struggle and hates seeing us like that. Through His word we can see how our lives have clouded our vision and that the fog can be pushed aside so we can see clearly God and His love for us. By focusing on God's word, praying to Him constantly, thanking Him always for everything, He will clear away the mess, you will see the change and you will be so thankful that others will see it in you too. Who knows they may even want to know more about the joy you have in your life.
Enjoy your day and share a smile. 😊

More wonderful reading: 2 Kings 18 and 19> 1 John 4> and Isaiah 37>


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