
2 Peter chapter 1 verses 19 -21. "So we have seen and proved what the prophets said came true. You will do well to pay close attention to everything they have written, for like lights shining into dark corners, their words help us to understand many things that otherwise would be dark and difficult. But when you consider the wonderful truth of the prophets words, then the light will dawn in your souls and Christ the Morning Star will shine in your hearts. For no prophecy recorded on Scripture was ever thought up by the prophet himself. It was the Holy Spirit within these godly men who gave them true messages from God."
Knowing Jesus and what He is about helps us know how to act and how to live as God's children. First off Jesus is God's son whom God gave to Mary and Joseph. They raised Him into adulthood and when the time was right Jesus started His ministry. Jesus led Himself gracefully offering peace to people. He did not barge in telling everyone who He is and what He is capable of, No, Jesus entered into peoples hearts by compassion and love. There is no difference between then and now, people are suffering and need help. Jesus spoke of God and His love for everyone, Jesus listened and observed and then He would speak. Jesus welcomed everyone and taught of God and His ways of life. Jesus had the power of God in Him and offered it freely so that everyone could experience the miracles that could change lives. We are to adapt ourselves to each situation, walking with God in our hearts and presenting Him as we can. Do not turn people off, let them see God's grace and His offer of peace in all you do. Pray all the time, study the word of God, be prepared for when opportunity's arise, turn away from the evils of the world and keep your eye's upon your Father. That is when people will see Jesus in you and may want to know more.
I needed help and God heard my cries. I hold close to the bible and the teachings of Jesus and His ways of living. Life does not have to be confusing, hurtful and sad, we can know the love of God and the peace it brings. We can walk gracefully through life with our head held high and a purpose in our step. Give all your focus to Him and give Him all the praise for who you are and all He does for you. I did not like feeling alone, I did not like having to deal with tension and sadness. Those were the dark places that I was being held in. God has blessed me with the light of His son Jesus who has shown me the right paths to walk upon.
Thank-you Father for helping me make sense of my life. 😊

Isaiah chapter 41 verse 10. Fear not for I am with you, be not dismayed for I am your God.

Isaiah chapter 9 verse 6. For unto us a child is given, a Son is born and the government shall be upon His shoulders and He will have many names: Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.


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