Mirror Image

Colossians chapter 3 verse 3. " When ever we pray for you we always begin by giving thanks to God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, for we have heard how much you trust the lord, and how much you love His people.
Verse 6. The same good news that came to you is going out all over the world and changing lives everywhere, just as it changed yours that very first day you heard it and understood about God's great kindness to sinners."
What is in an image? Do you like the person you see in the mirror? Do you ever put much thought into who you are?
I don't put a lot of thought into myself, in fact I think I "wing" my way through life. I take each situation as it comes and trust God to guide me, to give me the right words to speak and the right actions when it come to presenting myself. I know that I get along with people, I like to be kind and to get to know who they are. The one thing that I have noticed since God has come into my life is how I like to encourage every situation. I like to look for the best in something and move towards that rather than pondering and getting stuck. That might seem a little particular and can cause mistakes but you know moving towards good and not hanging onto bad can change the way we are heading.
I have learned to start my day with God and to ask Him to walk with me and to keep me close so I do not lose focus of Him. I like to learn scripture and the stories of the bible that way I am prepared to offer the words of God as encouragement. We are each our own persons and God loves each of us for who we are. So say hello to our Father and let Him be your encourager. You will like who you see and love each day as you spend your life with Jesus.
This mornings Daily Bread devotional readings talked about the suffering Jesus endured on the cross, His anguish and how in His pain asked God "Why have you forsaken me" (Mathew 27)
The image of Jesus hanging on the cross is a reminder to all that God gave His Son so that we could see our way to Him. God knew that we were lost and suffering heading in the wrong direction, and it was through Jesus that God showed Himself. Jesus suffered and died so that our sins, our mistakes in life could be forgiven and that the offer of a better way of living could be given.
I knew my life was a mess and that it was not going to get any better. I needed some direction and I found that help in Jesus. So I asked God for forgiveness and for the opportunity to know Him through His Son Jesus. Now my life has changed all because Jesus brought us the way to God. The image I see is God with me as His child and Jesus as my savior.
Romans chapter 8 verse 28 and 29. All things come together for good to those who love God and are the called to His appointed purpose. God knew from the beginning who would come to Him and become like His Son so that His Son was the first with many brothers.


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