Living Clean

May 15,2018
Jeremiah 29 verse 11> For I have a plan for you, it is a plan for good and not for evil. It is to give you a future and a hope.

Who like to live in filth!!! Not me. The other day the news announced a super bed bug is now in places across the nation. Imagine something being able to adapt to what attacks it. That's scary. The same thing can be spoken for our lives, we may not like the filth of our lives and we can either chose to live clean or not care at all. A lot of who we are is shown in those we hang around with. Is life a party or unsettled? Always going out and masking the true us, just for the sake of finding relief or justifying what our day was about and then in the morning realizing once again that we came home disappointed and maybe hungover or sad. Our same life is still there, filled with the stuff that we surround ourselves in. Life does not have to be that way, all around us are good people who care. The issue is trying to get to that good life, where we can be set free from our old habits. Just like that super bug, Satan adapts to our attempts by attacking us through our friends and family, the things we love and care about. The good news is that we can get strength in God and it is through Jesus that we can beat the messy life and be the true real people that we are. For me God blessed me with a new job in a new town allowing me to have a start over to my life. My old friends called, my family saw me as far away, the new town tried to pull me into my old habits, but I chose God. My friends turned their backs on me, My family understood the distance and Wow God blessed me with my wife, and a church family, new friends who care. It is not easy to separate from our old ways, but with God's word and His love, He strengthens us with hope.
From the moment I realized that I needed to do something or my lifestyle was going to consume me, God started to work on me and as I read the bible I found my life changing. Today, each day is a joy to be alive free from the holds of addictions, anxieties and fears. I thank God for Jesus and my new life.  I walk with hope, love and joy wanting everyone to know that they too can chose.
Thank-you Father for your love. 😊


  1. Yes, we realize that Satan will use anybody and anything to pull us away from living clean with God.


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