Leather Neck

Proverbs chapter 9 verse 9. "Teach a wise man, and he will be wiser; teach a good man and he will learn more."
Good judgment is hard to come by. I have always been bull headed, meaning that I want things my way. I can be stubborn and hard to get along with. Maybe there were circumstances in life that caused me to be hard nosed and cautious. I was 14 years old when my dad left church and from then on I fought going myself. When my dad caught me smoking all he said was "I should not do it" I was ready for an argument after all, he smoked. My dad died when I was 20 years old and I became very angry for he had given me good advice and he cared for me. How dare he die. I had always been too busy with my friends to spend time with him. After he died I shunned my family, I rebelled with drugs and alcohol, I applied the advice my dad had given me and worked hard to have a career, I saved my money for the future just as he had done. I never let people get too close to me for they might nose into my past hurts and failures. I kept to myself and guarded my life. Was I hard nosed because of my dad? I don't think so, even though parents can have a big influence on how we live. I had a dream one night that seemed so real. I had a dream with my dad in it where I was happy introducing him to my friends. My mother said I was holding him close to my heart.
I did return to God and found an amazing love waiting for me. I may not have had good judgment for 35 years of my life, but God showed me Jesus and a better life where I can rely upon and trust in Him, my Father. I am so thankful for my family, my wife and a future with God. It took a lot for me to let go of my old life. As I read the bible I found myself letting go of my bad habits, it was like a sword was taking down the struggles one by one. I knew there was a better life being offered and I was determined to have it, so I kept my focus on God and Jesus. Slowly I was led into a life with purpose and peace, I am very content with God and happy that I keep Him close. Everyday is a blessing and each day only gets better. It is exciting to learn and grow through Jesus.
Thank-you Father😊

In Matthew chapter 11 verses 18 and 19. Jesus is talking to the crowds.
"For John the Baptist doesn't even drink wine and often goes without food and you say "He's crazy" And I, the Messiah, feast and drink and you complain that I am a glutton and a drinking man and hang around with the worst sort of sinners!"
"But brilliant men like you can justify your every inconsistency"
Mathew chapter 9 verse 28. "Come to me and I will give you rest--- all of you who work so hard beneath a heavy yoke."


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